2015 Black Ace PDGA Singles League - Summer

May - July 2015
Hosted by Black Ace Disc Golf

Ace Pool


Updated June 29, 2015 at 8:11am


About this league

Rounds start at 6pm but sign up ends at 5:55pm

Are you a PDGA member? These count as rated rounds for you! Not a PDGA member? These COULD be rated rounds for you. Sign up as a member before the league ends and you will be retroactively awarded those rounds for your new rating. No additional fee for non PDGA members

$5 buy in. $2 goes to BADG/PDGA/Frankenmuth Parks. $3 to cash payouts

3 Divisions
Gold: Open
Silver: Am1/Am2
Bronze: Am3/Am4

Optional $1 ace pool, $1 CTP