2015 A3Disc Hudson Mills League

April - September 2015 • Dexter, Michigan
Singles league
This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.


Sep 30, 2015 · Top scores
Hudson Mills Metropark
Original course
Red tees (short), 18 holes
-5 49
Bryan Patton
-4 50
Tommy Osborne
-3 51
Norm Copeland
-1 53
Jacob Belmas
E 54
Ryan Shoner
E 54
Paul Feeny
E 54
Jarad Utke
E 54
Travis Kleier
+1 55
Zak Montville
+1 55
Mark Wiltse
Overall standings
1Patrick Kuras86
2Travis Kleier70.5
3Jared Wilson69.5
4Jason Cassidy67.5
5Anthony Wash62
6Elijah Sharp60.5
6Mike Franklin60.5
8Ryan Shoner60
9John Dishaw59.5
10Benjamin Plummer53
10Jeff Carlsen53
View complete leaderboards ·
Leaderboard updated 10/1/15

About this League

Singles league - 104 all-time players - 0 active players
$30.00 one-time player fee for this league
$2.00 ace pool entry
The Ann Arbor Area Disc Indeuced Sports Club (A3DISC) is an organization that promotes and organizes the sport of disc golf in the greater Washtenaw County area. Annual club membership dues are $30.00 if paid on or before Sunday April 26th you will be able to play in the Discraft One Disc Challenge as well as the Monday (Independance Lake Handicap League) and Wednesday night (Hudson Mills) Leagues. In addition you will receive the 1-disc to participate in the 1-disc challenge to keep as well. ...
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League News

Jason 'Skip Scoob' Cassidy   October 1, 2015 at 3:49pm

There it is! Final Standings...

1st Place - Patrick Kuras - $100 & Trophy
2nd Place - Travis Kleier - $70 & Trophy
3rd Place - Jared Wilson - $50 & Trophy
4th Place - Jason Cassidy - $30
5th Place - Anthony Wash - $20

Most Consistent - Brad Chartier - (4.0527 Differential) - $30 & Trophy
Lowest Average - Bryan Patton - (47.5 Average) - $30 & Trophy

Come out to the Party on Sunday and Eat, Drink, Celebrate and play some golf afterwards!!

[member not found]   October 1, 2015 at 8:07am

For those of you that feel like playing a little more through the fall, our next A3 league is under way! Plenty of tags are available, and it's only $15 to have a chance to take home some serious cash at the end of the league. Last year's winner took home $140!!! Find more details here: http://www.discgolfscene.com/leagues/2015_A3Disc_Fall_Bag_Tag_League

William Gilbert   October 3, 2015 at 9:32am

Do the festivities start at noon? correct? is there going to be doubles after the awards and such? i think i heard or read there was just wanted to verify please.

[member not found]   October 3, 2015 at 10:43am

Awards presentation is at noon, as well as the food and beverages. The league I posted about above starts at 2, and anyone is welcome to play; however purchase of a tag is required to play and compete for the Ace Pool and stuff. We will be playing original, just in case you want to plan your own round.

Jason 'Skip Scoob' Cassidy   September 24, 2015 at 8:54pm

League News...

On September 30th is the last league day of the 2015 season! Thank you to everyone who participated, if you played 1 league day or all 22, it's been highly appreciated to see the support while we transition to a new system.

Ace Pool has been hit!!! Jeff Carlsen skip aced hole #11 on Original for $203!!! First Ace of the season (that was in the ace pool)!

Next week, I will NOT be accepting "Make up rounds" If you are not participating on Wednesday, I apologize but your cards ... more


Jason 'Skip Scoob' Cassidy   September 24, 2015 at 8:50pm


1st Place - $100 & Trophy
2nd Place - $70 & Trophy
3rd Place - $50 & Trophy
4th Place - $30
5th Place - $20

Most Consistent - $30 & Trophy
Lowest Average - $30 & Trophy

The Amounts are in "merch" money and trophies are disc clocks featuring the new club art!


Jason 'Skip Scoob' Cassidy   September 15, 2015 at 3:42pm

League Awards

The final league day is September 30th and the following Sunday (October 4th) is the league party/ awards. Top 5 will be getting merch money, and Top 3 will be getting a sweet trophy! As well as, lowest average and most consistent, will be receiving trophies and merch money.

The party will be at noon at our course, Hudson Mills, and if interested there will be a random doubles round afterwards at 2pm. Our ace pool has been growing and growing and is at $182 right now, if this isn't hit, ... more

Rory H   September 15, 2015 at 8:42am

Is the doubles round going to be part of the A3 fall bag tag league?

Jason 'Skip Scoob' Cassidy   September 15, 2015 at 8:53am

Sure is!

Rory H   September 15, 2015 at 10:03am


Jason 'Skip Scoob' Cassidy   August 25, 2015 at 4:37am

Attention to berth winners!

If you have won a berth, by this league, or in any other fashion, you need to register soon fast and in a hurry. Registration for the event closes FRIDAY and you're invite will be null and void after. You will have to play the LCQ to get in after the deadline berth or not.


Jason 'Skip Scoob' Cassidy   July 14, 2015 at 6:32pm


On August 5th, I will be handing out the berths to the TOP 5 places! Why so early? It's really not that early, it's 3 weeks prior to the tournament, and I want to give people ample time to make accommodations and plans for their time up in Ludington.
Start pushing yourself to beat your average and climb the leaderboard!! Every week I have the updated averages and if you're curious to know what it is, come see me! Good Luck everyone and will see you guys tomorrow!


Jason 'Skip Scoob' Cassidy   June 16, 2015 at 11:09pm


Up to date as of week 6/10/2015 - 6/16/2015

N/A= The first 3 weeks have not been completed

Player Average

EJ Robson 51.2
Christian Doman N/A
Zak Montville 52.6666
Tommy Osborne 50.2857
Rob Loechel 50.8
Chris Dalpra 55.6666
Mark Wiltse 54.1666
Jarad Utke 52.6666
Joel Sharp 53
Ryan Shoner 55
Travis Kleier 56.1428
Todd Cox 59.2
William Gilbert 58.4
Mike Troczynski 59.1428
Elijah Sharp 58.3333
Andrew Zecchini 54.3333
Terry Arnold N/A
Anthony Wash 54.2857
Cullen Pasquesi-Hi ... more


Jason 'Skip Scoob' Cassidy   June 12, 2015 at 2:50pm


So, I have been informed that the course will be closed, July 1st due to a fireworks show, an over abundance of people will be there and they wont make any exception for this. That being said the week of July 1st - July 7th will be CANCELED. It's not fair to the people who can only make Wednesday, compared to someone that lives right down the road for a make up round and I want to be as fair as possible. You can play the course that week, but it won't be added to the pts or averages. Sorry for this, hopefully we wont have any more conflicts.


Jason 'Skip Scoob' Cassidy   June 2, 2015 at 1:14am

The Box

For the past two weeks I have been unable to retrieve the scores from the box because I don't have a key to the lock. I will be changing the lock this week and updating the scores. everyone who has handed me their scorecards I have those rounds entered just not finalized on here, and everything is up to date on my spreadsheet for averages. As soon as I get the other cards I will finalize the missing rounds. Thanks for your patience...


Jason 'Skip Scoob' Cassidy   May 1, 2015 at 5:30am

One Disc Challenge Scores...

Please note all scores that had the First and LAST NAMES have been posted. There are cards I received without this info, which is a big necessity to have to post correct scores to correct people, but now those people will get no credit for playing this event. If you shot 54 or better you received an extra point no matter the course you played. That's a great score to post at this event and needs to be awarded. Please Please Please if you are playing this league see to the rules in the about ... more

show all 5 comments
John Reifschneider   May 1, 2015 at 10:56am

As stated in the comments for 1 disc. I wrote the about section the score is not counted but points are

Christian Doman   May 1, 2015 at 2:44pm

Nothing about points for 1 disc in either about section. It's all good though. After I shot a good round on Wednesday, I'm effectively out of contention anyway, unless I throw +10 for my next two rounds.

John Reifschneider   May 1, 2015 at 3:30pm

It's a handicap league u build an average like EVERY SINGLES LEAGUE EVER... Christian I can tell you read the comment section of 1 disc were we discussed this in detail. This format is only a slight change from the point system and averaging syten a3 leagues have used for 9 yrs we rolled back ... more

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