2014 CNYDGA Wednesday Night League

April - September 2014 • Jamesville, New York
Doubles league

Ace pool

as of September 11
This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.


Sep 10, 2014 · Top scores
Jamesville Beach
Regular tees, 18 holes
-10 45
Brittany Gilbert
Dylan Rees
-10 45
Pete Chapman
Spencer Caron
-9 46
Jim Lovell
Eric McCabe
-9 46
Les Murray
Troy Widden
-9 46
Doug Westfall
John O'Malley
Overall standings
1Dylan Rees368.5
2KC Cummings317
3Ben Basilio314.5
4Gary Crowley290.5
5Ian Berry267
6Spencer Caron249
7Donnie Lewis226
8Don Courbat224
9Doug Bauer215.5
10Jim Lovell213.5
11Ryan Gilmore211
12Barret Bateman210.5
View complete leaderboards ·
Leaderboard updated 9/11/14

About this League

Doubles league - 110 all-time players - 0 active players
$10.00 player fee each session
Best Shot Doubles. Random Draw with A, B, and C Pools. Teams are A/C and B/B. CTP for each pool.

5$ toward nightly payouts
1$ for each pool's CTP
1$ for the ace pool
1$ for course maintenance
1$ for the end of year party
1$ for the end of year series points payout

League News

Greg Meitus   July 16, 2014 at 6:12am

Attn - Clay Park Classic Announcement

Wed League Players, CPC is almost full, so if you haven't paid yet, I'll need your money tomorrow (7/16) in order to hold your spot. I will not be accepting payment the day of the tournament unless there are still spots left, which looks very unlikely at this point.

Thanks, Greg

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