
2014 Atlanta Bag Tag League

Bag Tag · Feb - Nov 2014 · Stone Mountain, GA

2014 Atlanta Bag Tag League

February - November 2014
Bag Tag
Hosted by Atlanta Disc Golf Organization


2014 Atlanta Bag Tag League
2014 ADGO Bag Tag Finals Update
I apologize for the delay getting this update posted. This was my final year of running the bag tag. I'd like to take a moment to thank everyone whose helped over the past 4 years by assisting me ... show more ›
Nov 26, 2014 by steve adams
Vern Williams Nov 26, 2014 THANKS Steve for all of your work running the tags. It is much appreciated!!!!
Jeff/Jroll Shannon Nov 30, 2014 Good times for my first bagtag! Thanks Steve

About this league

2014 Rules of Engagement

1. Tags must be attached to bags or carts and carried whenever you are playing

2. You may challenge anyone carrying a tag.

3. The challenge must be accepted by each participating player to be valid

4. You may refuse a challenge if you are out practicing (this is acceptable occasionally), OR you are in a tournament and you have already accepted a challenge from another player not on your card.

5. You may not hide when you have a lower number tag (if it is found that you are doing this you probably will be called an assortment of names) It would be advisable if you have the #1 tag that you at least play a challenge once a month.

6. If you have to leave during a challenge round (for any reason) you will forfeit your tag and graciously accept the highest numbered tag in the group

7. In the case of a tie, the player who held the lowest numbered tag prior to the match would receive the lower numbered tag and so on

8. The current tag set (2014) will remain active until the Final tournament sometime in December 2014.

9. If you lose your tag you may be able to PURCHASE a new one (depending upon availability for $5.00) . Additional chains are $1.00

10. Anyone caught cheating or holding out (purposely not bringing your tag) will be dealt with by the local players and I will make sure everyone finds out about it.

11. Bag Tag matches during tournaments are automatic, provided someone runs the action. This includes getting everyone’s tag before the first round, tallying everyone’s scores, getting tags distributed at the end of the tournament, and entering the results in the website. If I am playing in a tournament, I will run the action. Tournament bag tag challenges are usually based on the cumulative score (all rounds totaled), but each round can be an challenge by itself if desired.
If entering a tournament challenge based on a cumulative score, you will most likely have to have a tag update recorded also. This is because the tag order will automatically update based on the last rounds results. You can either enter a Tag Update, or post the cumulative scores for everyone in the Notes field of one of the rounds.

12. I utilize http://www.discgolfscene.com/ to keep track of the league standings. You are responsible for making sure your bag tag number is correct on the leaderboard at discgolfscene.com. If you don’t already have an account there, please sign up for one using the email address you have given me. The account is free. If you use the email address you supplied me, your account will automatically be linked to the 2014 ADGO Bag Tag League http://www.discgolfscene.com/leagues/2014_Atlanta_Bag_Tag_League .

13. You will enter challenge matches on http://www.discgolfscene.com/leagues/2014_Atlanta_Bag_Tag_League/post_score. Once a match is entered I will get an email to verify the match. After I verify the match, the results will be displayed on the website and any tag updates will be made. Please enter the matches promptly so the database stays updated accurately. I generally check the site each day for matches that need verification.
Please only one person enter the match(s). A good rule of thumb is, the winner enters the match. Duplicate entries generally result in a delay in the match getting verified, until I can check with BOTH people who entered the scores.
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