Comments 17 following
Jeff Bauman September 30, 2013 at 6:09pm
Someone found and gave me a 173g light green Star Destroyer. They said it belongs to someone at the Friday night Stony league. Tell me what's on the back and get your disc back. word!
Douglas "Fresh" Watson August 24, 2013 at 5:26pm
Jeff you run one of the best leagues around. Thanks for a great season and for giving us something gto look forward to every week!
Addison 11 AM next Saturday and I'll take your odds.
Derek Michalak August 24, 2013 at 9:01am
Congrats to 2J and Moreno! Jeff.... I'm sure I can speak for most... We thank you for your hardwork and dedication so we can have something to do and look forward to on Friday nights. You run a great league and I know i can't wait for it to start back up next year. Thanks again Jeff and congrats to the winners!!! Also can't wait to see the videos since I couldn't be there.
Duece on 22... How the F did he do that. Can't wait to seethe
Jeff Bauman August 23, 2013 at 10:35pm
Could be a big big night for some people tonight. Good luck all and see you at 6!
Jeff Bauman August 23, 2013 at 6:21am
Looking for 1 or 2 more camera people. Come on out and record our finals w your HD camera/smart phone and you'll get a shot at $100 if our ace pool is not hit. Closest 3 discs will split the $236+ ace pool. Should be close to $300 Friday night.
Jay B August 17, 2013 at 6:23am
left a pink g9 wizard with a motor city chain gang stamp on it by the practice basket right before everyone walked out to their holes for league, would appreciate it back if anyone picked it up
Jeff Bauman August 15, 2013 at 8:13am
New Cali rule. Females will be the only players who don't have to play cali if they don't want to. For everyone else, its random from now on.
I like Brandon's idea. The same few guys are Cali every week because nobody else wants to be it. What's the difference between a female getting Cali and a male rookie getting Cali? Can a male rookie opt-out because he has a girly arm?
There are two cali chips in the bag. If they are not picked during sing in then Brandons idea is next. Girly arms are just gonna have to deal w it.
Jeff Bauman August 11, 2013 at 4:45am
Here are the 2013 Team Stony members:
Jeff Bauman
Josh Schulte
John Hamel
Greg Silos
Mike Walker
Derek Michalak
Jon Sand
Tony Vidal
Josh Ballinger
Jay Heller
Lori Mullen
Bill Sicora
Brent Moreno
Jeremy Bilyeu
Jeff Meldrum
Dan Bienkowski
Mark Tokie
Keith Haverlock
Tom Carpenter
John Minicuci
Corey Franzel
Brad Frase August 9, 2013 at 7:37pm
doug granby August 3, 2013 at 9:43am
we shot +6 not that that matters anyway.
I put +9, you say +6, scorecard says +7...lets go with that. :)
Jeff Bauman August 3, 2013 at 8:35am
Playoff picture before the penultimate week:
--- 1st round bye ---
1. 36 Jeff Bauman
2. 34 Deuce
--- 1st round playoff ---
3. 26 Mike Walker
4. 25 Ryan Herzog
5. 23 Brad Frase
6. 22 Dan Bienkowski
7. 20 John Hamel
--- 1st round bye ---
1. 27 Doug Watson
1. 27 Brent Moreno
--- 1st round playoff ---
3. 25 John Sand
4. 24 Jeramy Bilyeu
4. 24 Josh Ballinger
6. 23 Brandon Oleski
--- cut ---
7. 22 J Ride
7. 22 Eric Roberts
for the playoffs, do u plan on just playing 18 longs?no ob or crossing holes while playing with opposite hand mumbo jumbo i hope.
Regular old golf. We may have do the 13 hole loop again because of darkness.
Mike Walker August 2, 2013 at 6:19pm
Shamrock after the round if anyone can make it
Brad Frase August 2, 2013 at 6:15pm
whats the format?
Fairway or OB on these front 9 holes. Short 1, short 2, then longs on 3,4,5,6,14,15,2. Then you play normal golf 19 thru 27.
brent moreno August 2, 2013 at 3:48pm
Anybody playing league's tonight able to pick up a dirty Mexican that would b cul!!!! I live by west Utica and ryan ,willing to give a couple bucks for gas
Jeff Bauman August 2, 2013 at 5:27am
Stony's fairways are cut to perfection. It looks awesome out there! Double platinum is on!
Jeff Bauman August 1, 2013 at 5:23am
DGLA: Michigan Cooperative Point Series - Summer 2013
29 HLW were played and posted scores.
The average size of a HLW, 21.77 Players
The largest HLW, 44 players - 2013 Friday Night Discin @ Stony, Friday, July 26, 2013, Stony Creek Metropark
Jeff Bauman July 31, 2013 at 7:01am
Double Platinum 18 hole loop:
Fairway or OB on these front 9 holes. Short 1, short 2, then longs on 3,4,5,6,14,15,2. Then you play normal golf 19 thru 27. The front 9 is fairway or OB on every shot except for near the green on #4 & #6. Watch for OB paint.
Of course it really helps when they cut the grass before we play this so don't be too disappointed if we cant do it this Friday.
Jeff Bauman July 27, 2013 at 9:47am
This is how we will handle late arrivals in the future. If you are an am and you show up late and the pros are playing doubles, You will have to play singles against the other ams playing best shot. You don't get a partner or any extra shots. You will, however, get all the chances at an ace, a shot at the CTP's and the longest putt.
We wont have to deal with this for the rest of the season, just making a point for next year. Peace!
Jeff Bauman July 25, 2013 at 5:53pm
The field will be capped at 72 Friday. Don't be late!
Have you decided how partners will be picked tonight? I heard we're getting in groups based on eye color, flipping discs, then flipping coins, then draw a card, turn yourself about, do the hokie pokie and hopefully have a partner in front of you?
Jeff Bauman July 25, 2013 at 5:49pm
2013 PDGA National Tour Elite Series Standings:
1 Paul McBeth
2 Richard Wysocki
3 Nikko Locastro
4 Will Schusterick
5 David Feldberg
6 Garrett Gurthie
7 Devan Owens
8 Paul Ulibarri
9 Jeremy Koling
10 Don Smith
11 Jared Roan -----------> Putting driving clinic before Friday league!
Come on out Friday night and find out what keeps Jared bumping elbows with the best players in the world at the biggest events in our sport.
Clinic starts at about 5:15.
It would be awesome if someone could take a video and post it here for those of us who can't make the drive ;)
Indeed! But Jared throws with the correct hand. May not be much help for you B :)
Roans a bagger! Somebody should make him move up!(Circa 2011) Sup Bee! Hit me up if your in Ohio. Seriuosly, anywhere in Ohio, I'm ****ing bored! Before I moved hereI was told that there was an Ocean and Surfing, they lied!
we have a winner!