2012 Llama Tags
Bag Tag league
The total donation made by the 52 players on February 18th was $1,910 plus
close to 200lbs of food........both attendance and fundraising records for a BWCC
Ice Bowl!!!!
The first tag round of the year will be at the 2012 Ice Bowl. Details as follows:
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Gifford Pinchot State Park, Lewisberry, PA
Boulder Woods Course - Use the Conewago Day Use Entrance
Start Time: 10:00 AM Players Meeting: 9:30 AM
(2) 20-Hole Round ‘Singles Play’ Tournament ‘Pot Luck’ Lunch
*Prize/Cash Payouts* *CTP Prizes Offered*
E ...
Don't forget
March Skins Madness at QC Sunday March 25th!!!!