2010 Cass Monday Night Leagues

March - October 2010 • Northville, Michigan
Doubles league

Ace pool

as of October 22
This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.


Oct 18, 2010 · Top scores
Cass Benton Hills
Short tees, 18 holes
-14 41
Mike Frame-O
Dave Milewski
-13 42
Grant Anderson
Chris Brown
-12 43
Kyle Bartlett
John McAskin
-12 43
Shawn Boucke
Steve Hudok
Overall standings
1Dave Milewski404
2Chris Brown382
2Grant Anderson382
View complete leaderboards ·
Leaderboard updated 10/22/10

About this League

Doubles league - 162 all-time players - 0 active players
$5.00 one-time player fee for this league
$2.00 ace pool entry
No information has been posted.

League News

- br33zy -   September 27, 2010 at 6:18pm

Start Time - 5:15

Leagues start time will be 5:15 today. No Exceptions. We don't like to turn people away, but it's what will happen if you arrive late. Sorry in advance.


Dave Milewski   September 14, 2010 at 9:36pm

2010 Cass league summer ace pool

Ace pool is up to date and will continue to be up for grabs until Oct 4th. After that the ace pool will be carried over until the beginning of the summer season. Leagues wont be over but the start time will continue to get pushed back. Next week we will be starting at 5:20. Please let the non-dgscene folk know.


Dave Milewski   August 24, 2010 at 7:23pm

Berths awarded

A big thanks goes out to all the golfers who attended Cass leagues this season. Leagues will continue as normal as will ace pool. Points are done for the season but scores will still be recorded and posted on discgolfscene. Congrats to the following golfers for earning berths to the State Championships.
Chris Brown
Grant Anderson
Josh Minard
Ryan Duffy
Mikel Faccini
Jason Jopps

Also, we had 2 aces yesterday, Casey Mcdonnell got hole 15 and Aaron Birdsall got hole 6. Each ace counting for $54. Ace pool back down to $109.


Dave Milewski   July 29, 2010 at 9:21pm

Berths for State Championships

As a reminder to all who attend Cass Benton leagues. We have 6 berths to give away to the top 6 in points on the leaderboard. We will be handing the berths out August 23rd, which will also be the last week to earn points.


- br33zy -   July 21, 2010 at 9:12pm

Cass Update 7/21/2010

The Maintenance Department was quick to respond to our call about the basket on hole 1. There's a new basket installed already. We will be keeping in close contact with them for now on.

With further note, it seems this has brought up some other issues that needed to be fixed with the park. There was a crew working on the road/bridge next to hole 12 (swamp monster). This includes new concrete drainage tubes so hopefully it will not collapse again. Also, they've trimmed trees on hole ... more


Dave Milewski   July 20, 2010 at 3:50pm

Ace pool crushed

I was lucky enough to see Mikel hit hole 15 again last week with a perfect hyzer Banger around the tree. I also got to see Grant get hole 11 this week with a forehand Firebird skip. Ace pool at it's lowest this season.


John McAskin   June 30, 2010 at 2:18am


As the CASS-UALS watched grant showed them how it was done.


- br33zy -   June 9, 2010 at 6:23pm

Fooch hits 17, Strippers are Happy.

Nick Fucinari pimps hole 17 with a perfect Buzzz shot for 150 dollar bills. Nice Job!!!


Dave Milewski   May 25, 2010 at 6:26pm

Double skip in on hole 7

Andrew White aces hole 7 for $230. Nice work and welcome to leagues.


Dave Milewski   April 20, 2010 at 4:30pm

Ace pool hit...Boss

Congrats to KT getting the first league ace this season for $232. Thumber skip in on hole 9. Also taking down the W, 25 points for the ace and the lead in the league series.


- br33zy -   April 13, 2010 at 6:49am

Pros Make a Move

Thanks go out to everyone that participated tonight. 32 in all showed up with 13 new players. Top 3 players until today were all ams. The pros made a serious jump, but that just shows how easily this can shift.

Ace pool is moving at a steady pace. 338 + 56. You do the math. Even if it gets hit next week, it will be over 200 the following week.

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