Buckhorn Birdies Fall Season 2021

October - December 2021
Hosted by Buckhorn Birdies Disc Golf Club

Ace Pool


Updated December 13, 2021 at 2:23am


About this league

Women's single league every Saturday at Stony Creek starting! All skill levels welcome! We will alternate between 18 holes on the blue course and 18 holes on the green course every other week. Meeting time is at 11:00 am for league with tee off at 11:30 am. Prize ctps (free) for everyone along with a $3 ace pool! Mulligans can be "bought" up to 3 for 18 holes. They are $2 each snd proceeds will be donated to CareHouse. Trophies for 1st place at the end of the season for each division- determined by the amount of points earned. Trophy for "Most Improved" will be voted on at the end of the season.