DGM Wednesdays Women's Night
Singles · Apr - Jun 2021 · Winnipeg, MB
Locations (4)
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About this league
Fee to join $45
DGM Women Only Wednesday Nights (MASK REQUIRED)
Due to Covid-19, there will be NO drop-ins this season, and masks are MANDATORY. Sorry for the inconveneince, we want you and everyone around you to play safe.
In the event we surpass 30 players per league night, the field will be split in two and play on seperate courses in order to ensure safe physical distancing no matter which course we wil play at. You will be assigned your starting hole prior to the night of play. This will avoid gathering and keep groups to a maximum of 5. The 2 meter rule is in effect. Anyone disrespecting Health Orders will be asked to comply and receive one penalty stroke. Second offence, you will be asked to leave with NO refund and will FORFEIT the remainder of the League.
Powered by Disc Republic
This will be a points based league structured as such:
4 points for attendance
2 points for each player in your division you beat
(In the event of a tie, both players will receive 2 points.)
Your best 6 weeks will count for prizing.
Ace Pot and Closest To the Pin will be determined at a later date. Due to Covid-19, we will not be handling cash this season.
We will be playing with Covid in mind (2 meter rule in effect). Not the tree version, the physical distancing version
Your card will be assigned 2 days before to avoid gathering. Directions on Covid restrictions will be updated as they change.
Standings will be updated the night of the round
In the event we max out on spots available, DGM will split the field and host at 2 locations at the same time, allowing higher capacity!
FA1, FA2, FA3, FJ18,
Disc Golf Scene does not allow league registrations, it must be done manually. Please send Payment of $45 via e-transfer to be made prior to league start date to [email redacted], please include your name, division, league day (Wednesday) in the memo.
Due to Covid-19, there will be NO drop-ins this season, and masks are MANDATORY. Sorry for the inconveneince, we want you and everyone around you to play safe.
In the event we surpass 30 players per league night, the field will be split in two and play on seperate courses in order to ensure safe physical distancing no matter which course we wil play at. You will be assigned your starting hole prior to the night of play. This will avoid gathering and keep groups to a maximum of 5. The 2 meter rule is in effect. Anyone disrespecting Health Orders will be asked to comply and receive one penalty stroke. Second offence, you will be asked to leave with NO refund and will FORFEIT the remainder of the League.
Powered by Disc Republic
This will be a points based league structured as such:
4 points for attendance
2 points for each player in your division you beat
(In the event of a tie, both players will receive 2 points.)
Your best 6 weeks will count for prizing.
Ace Pot and Closest To the Pin will be determined at a later date. Due to Covid-19, we will not be handling cash this season.
We will be playing with Covid in mind (2 meter rule in effect). Not the tree version, the physical distancing version
Your card will be assigned 2 days before to avoid gathering. Directions on Covid restrictions will be updated as they change.
Standings will be updated the night of the round
In the event we max out on spots available, DGM will split the field and host at 2 locations at the same time, allowing higher capacity!
FA1, FA2, FA3, FJ18,
Disc Golf Scene does not allow league registrations, it must be done manually. Please send Payment of $45 via e-transfer to be made prior to league start date to [email redacted], please include your name, division, league day (Wednesday) in the memo.