2021 VPDGC - Saturday Doubles Point Series

April - August 2021
Hosted by Vienna Park Disc Golf Club

Ace Pool


Updated August 14, 2021 at 8:22pm


About this league

Vienna Park DGC - Michigan State Championship Saturday doubles points series

Start Saturday April 10th - August 7th

Membership Fee $25 (optional), paid members, you will start accumulating points and be eligible to win a Berth package to Michigan State Championship in Ludington, MI., Labor Day Weekend, And be eligible for 50% payout of the ace pool.

**Schedule is subject to change, please check in weekly to see there are any changes

Check-in from 12:45-1:00

$10 all-in, will include entry, $5 Entry, $2 Ace pool and $3 Ctps.

Non-members can only receive 25% of ace pool if hit.

Membership money will be used for the end of the year awards.

We meet at hole #1 and play Short Tees on all courses.

It will be a random draw for partners. If Cali is offered, Cali must pay an additional entry fee of $5 to receive 1 extra throw per hole.

Payouts will be 30% - 50% of the field in most cases.

To keep this a fun league, we will not tolerate bad attitudes or bad sportsmanship, if you demonstrate either one of these in this league you will be told not to come back. We are all here to have fun and want everyone to enjoy the game.....

Everyone Welcome!