Stacy POPS Thornton
Thanks Dave for having us ,thanks Terry for having getting us together ,thanks to the guys for letting us get together with yall .thanks Teresa for getting together with me and l miss yall see yall soon Oct 18, 2021
Terry Shuler
Wanted to remind everyone that we are now at Wortman park. We meet in the back parking lot behind the senior building. Sep 7, 2021
Matthew Leis
Hugs to Stacy and Dave for aces! nick and Adam for hot round! Wyatt I still owe you that sharpeeeee May 27, 2021
Wyatt Moore May 27, 2021Imma get that sharpie one day! I had to bail this week, wife got called into work. #AngryFace
Matthew Leis
Thanks for covering down tonight Nick! Terry thanks for finding a temp replacement. Thanks for letting us throw on your course Dave! Always a good time with the Mac crew!!! May 12, 2021
Terry Shuler Mar 22, 2021Yer sir Wortman Park. Dave Shaun and a few associates have done a great job of cleaning up Heider's Hike. Now time for Wortman.