PMA Saturday Singles at Agawam

May - June 2021
Hosted by P.M.A. Disc Golf

Ace Pool


Updated June 20, 2021 at 1:04am


About this league

This will be the second season for PMA leagues at Camp Agawam. We have tee pads coming!!! Should be an awesome second season. This year we have a slightly different points series to allow you to miss a few weeks for tournaments etc and still compete to win. Your top 15 rounds will be added up at the end of the season to determine your rank. Last year we gave away Discatcher sport baskets to the winner of each division. As of right now I haven't decided what the prizes will be but they will be of at least equal value if not the same prizes. Points are as follows for both divisions. Ace pool is currently at 200 dollars. If you are a club member you get 80% of ace pool pay out. Non members get 40%.
Ace=8 points
Win=8 points
2nd & 3rd=6 points
4th & 5th=5 points
6th-8th=4 points
9th &10th=3 points
2 points for remainder of field

Divisions Over 900 play longs
Under 900 play shorts

Entry Fees:
- Play $10
Optional Ace/CTP
- Ace Pool $3
- 50/50 CTP $2
-All in $15