No Bounds Weekly
Singles · Sep - Dec 2020 · Ypsilanti, MI
Locations (13)

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End of the Season
Congrats to Nick for having the hot round for the week with a score of 48 and for having the most points throughout the season. Thanks to everyone who came out. I hope you enjoyed trying this new form ...
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Dec 19, 2020
by Benjamin Pierce
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About this league
Each Saturday a new course and layout will be posted and you have until 10 pm on Friday to play the course. You will need UDisc and a UDisc account (there is a free version). Record your score in the UDisc app and you can check how you stack against others throughout the week. I'll post everyone's scores on here on Friday night.
There is no charge to play and no ace pool. Just show up once a week and play. Players will get 1 point for playing, 1 point for any player they beat, and .5 point for any player they tie.
I think this will be a fun way to make sure you get at least one round in a week and can be done in a group with friends or by yourself.
Have fun.
There is no charge to play and no ace pool. Just show up once a week and play. Players will get 1 point for playing, 1 point for any player they beat, and .5 point for any player they tie.
I think this will be a fun way to make sure you get at least one round in a week and can be done in a group with friends or by yourself.
Have fun.