2019-2020 Glow Dubs
Doubles · Oct '19 - Mar '20 · Lansing, MI
Ace Pool
Updated March 10, 2020 at 1:12pm
Finale Postponed!
The finale is postponed until further notice. Everyone that was invited will still be invited after we can all get together again and play. Tuna Mar 29, 2020 by Dave Hartung
About this league
Fee per round $5
Random Double Glo Rounds
Welcome to the 2019-2020 CCR Glow page.
We will be begin the season tee off at 6:30 pm. Cash payout to top third of the field. $5 to play and an additional $2 toward the ace pool. Bring your tape and puck lights and be ready to hit some trees and have some fun.
This league will run until the Monday March 23, yes we play all winter!
Typically we will have lights for sale, $2 per light or 3 for $5.
Welcome to the 2019-2020 CCR Glow page.
We will be begin the season tee off at 6:30 pm. Cash payout to top third of the field. $5 to play and an additional $2 toward the ace pool. Bring your tape and puck lights and be ready to hit some trees and have some fun.
This league will run until the Monday March 23, yes we play all winter!
Typically we will have lights for sale, $2 per light or 3 for $5.