
Players Choice

Handicap Singles · Apr - Oct 2018 · East Liverpool, OH

Players Choice

April - October 2018
Handicap Singles
Hosted by The Northern Panhandle Disc Golf Association

Ace Pool

Ace pool


Ace Pot Reserve


Updated October 23, 2018 at 6:07pm


Players Choice
League Night April 26th @ Beattie Park
I have posted our most previous league night scores. I have also applied the new handicap system to those scores. Looking at the difference in actual & handicap scores it is easy to see the improvemen ... show more ›
May 7, 2018 by josh fender

About this league

Players Choice is all about the players, before each round all players decide the format for the evening!
This is a handicap league to make for fun fair play for all skill & experience levels!
The handicap is always calculated using the 5 most recent rounds.
$4 Pays out to the top 50% of the field each session
$1 from each entry goes to the players party on Saturday October 27th
Points are awarded in the following fashion each session with Handicap assessed:
1st - 10 points • 2nd - 9 • 3rd - 8 • 4th - 7 • 5th - 6 • 6th - 5 • 7th - 4 • 8th - 3 • 9th - 2 • 10th - 1 point
NPDGA Tags are up for grabs! At the end of the round based on actual score, with no handicap, the are given back accordingly.
Prizes will be given at the party for the following & more!
League Points Series
Bag Tags
Season MVP
Course MVPs
Most Improved Players at each course & season long
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