Wagner - Thursday Night Doubles
Doubles league • April - September 2011
Thursdays at 6:00pm, Starr-Jaycee Park (Royal Oak, MI)
*** Note this league goes back and forth between Wagner Park and Starr-Jaycee Park. On the 4th we will be
playing at the Starr-Jaycee Park.
Next league day
Thursday, 7/4 at Starr-Jaycee Park 6:00pm
Organized by Wagner - Thursday Night Doubles
Doubles league - 140 active players
$5.00 per player each session
$2.00 ace pool
Ace Pool at $0 as of July 28th, Rich Bidinger spoiled the fun....Nice ACE Rich!!
We will be playing both Long and Short tee pads, first time around you will play from tee pads 1 thru 9 and the second time around you will play from tee pads 10 thru 18. Holes 9 and 18 are closed due to Park activities, so we will be modifying the course to make things flow a little better.
Registration: 5:15-5:45p
Registration will be located at the Southeast side of the park off of Poplar street, near Basket #4...
Tee-Off: 6:00p sharp
With the potential for more players this week, vying for those Double Points, you should anticipate slightly
longer play time.
Payout will be located at the Southeast side of the park off of Poplar street, near Basket #4 after the last card is turned in…….
If you have not been to the park before here are directions:
Local Directions: I-75 to 12 Mile Rd, west on 12 Mile, right on Main St., left on 13 Mile Rd, half mile to park on the left.
Reminder – If you have not played this league before make sure you have your PDGA # or Email address you used for
your Disc Golf Scene profile to help the League Admin add you and link your scores so those double points go to
the right players. You must have a DGS profile to have your points show up in the MiCPS.
Current forecast:
Royal Oak, MI – Thursday 7/4 5:00 – 8:00 PM
84°F Partly Cloudy Chance of precipitation 10%