
FlighTowel's Couples Doubles - Spring/Summer 2021

Singles · Mar '18 - Sep '21 · Stayton, OR

FlighTowel's Couples Doubles - Spring/Summer 2021

March '18 - September '21
Hosted by Team FlighTowel


FlighTowel's Couples Doubles - Spring/Summer 2021
TIME CHANGE for The Hoot on August 22nd - 9am Start Time
Due to an emergency change in the schedule with The Hoot they asked if we could make our time earlier. So for that day our league has reservations for 9am -12pm. We hope you can make it! Also, please bring a $5.00 suggested donation for this private course. Jul 19, 2021 by Amanda Bresee

About this league

Welcome to our 4th Annual FlighTowel's Couples Doubles League!

This league is for you and your significant other to come out and throw some discs with other couples in our area. It's all for fun, no money on the line. This will be casual play with relaxed OB rules, all just for fun.

All couples are welcome, all skill levels are welcome, just come out and have some fun with us! -> PLEASE NOTE: This is for couples only, not mixed doubles teams.

FlighTowel will be adding in CTP prizes to the prize bag, but to keep this league free and to keep CTP prizes fresh we're asking for 1 disc golf donation this season per couple.

NEW BONUS for 2021 - Each time you bring a new couple to league you'll be entered to win a grand prize at the end of our season. The more couples you bring the more chances to win!! The drawing will take place at our End of the Season BBQ on September 26th. Must be present to win.

Hope to see you there!!!

Amanda Bresee
FlighTowel Co-Owner
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