Southern WV Disc Golf Club 2017 Winter Points Series

February - April 2017
Hosted by Southern WV Disc Golf Club

Ace Pool


Updated February 5, 2017 at 8:28pm


About this league

This is a random draw best disc doubles league. We will rotate red, white, blue tees at Glenwood DGC. The league runs 8-weeks with NO makeup weeks if weather cancels a week. Points work as follows: In this example 10 players show for 5 teams, 1st place each winning player gets 5 points, 2nd place get 4 points, 3rd gets 3 points, 4th gets 2 points, 5th place gets 1 point. There will be no tie breakers, if two teams tie for first all four players receive 5 points with 3rd place receiving 3 points. At the end of the 8 week series we will have one overall champion. Prize for overall winner to be determined. Weekly round cost is $3 with $2 going to winning team payout and $1 to club. Also an optional $1 cash CTP, and $1 optional ace pool (currently pot at $100). All players welcome regardless of skill, age, gender, experience.