
2017 Sunday Devotional

Singles · Mar - Nov 2017 · Warrendale, PA

2017 Sunday Devotional

March - November 2017
Hosted by Pittsburgh Flying Disc

Ace Pool


Updated July 16, 2017 at 6:23pm


2017 Sunday Devotional
Devotional Epilogue 11/5/17
We will be meeting at Knob Hill at 945 on Sunday to play a free rated round. We'll be dumping tags and hucking discs so stop by before putting league to get some disc golf in. Playing rain or sh ... show more ›
Nov 2, 2017 by Eden Gonano
Robin WW Nov 5, 2017 Awesome Job Eden. Thank you so much!

About this league

Points Series League

The Sunday Devotional is a PFDS local league which includes PDGA rated rounds. This league is a point series league where players will accumulate points over the regular season and will compete in the playoffs at the end of the season. The season will run from Sunday March 12th 2017 until November 5, 2017.
The schedule has been posted on the schedule tab above.
The leagues home course is Knob Hill Community Park in Warrendale PA. The last sunday of each month, the league will travel to an alternative course for play. The location of each weeks round will be posted on the schedule. Upon request from the PFDS, the leagues playing location for a given week may be adjusted to accommodate specific PFDS activities. The schedule that is posted is current but is subject to be adjusted. Although not expected, please look for any updates that may be posted
Start time is 10:00 am so please arrive by 9:45 for registration. We reserve the right to adjust the start time to accommodate the PFDS, players, and the league commissioner when required. Please check the Pittsburgh Sunday Devotional league website to confirm location and time.
Entry Fees:
Each player wishing to participate in the Sunday Devotional must pay an entry fee.
• Entry Fee: $4
• PFDS Fee: $1
• PDGA Fee: $1
• Total Entry Fee = $6
• Optional Ace Pot = $1
From the Entry Fee, $1 from each player each week played will be set aside for the overall point series payouts at year end.
Players can decide to play in different divisions on a week by week basis, but points earned will remain in each division played.
Tee Assignments:
Unfortunately due to PDGA guidelines all divisions must play the same tees in a given week to be sanctioned. We will make this as accommodating as possible for all divisions. Please refer to the news section for an overview of tee assignments for each given week.
Players will compete in the division of their choice and will accumulate 1 point for each week played, and 1 point for each player they beat or tie within their division (points won in each division are counted separately). Each player's top 15 rounds played will earn you points towards your division. Anyone with at least 10 weeks played will earn a 10 point bonus. At least 15 rounds played 15 point bonus. 20 or more rounds played 20 point bonus. Anyone who plays all 27 rounds will earn the title of "2017 Devotee" and earn a 30 point bonus for the playoffs. Double Points weeks will occur once every 3 weeks and during travel rounds to encourage a higher turnout. During these weeks players accumulate 2 points for each week played and 2 points for each player they beat or tie within their division
Weekly Payouts:
Weekly Payouts will follow PDGA standard payout tables. All divisons will be paid out cash. $1 from each round will be kept for year end points series winnings.
The ace pot is capped at $200. Once the ace pot exceeds $200, a separate reserve ace pot is created.
The league will run a total of (27) Sunday's with the final (3) weeks being playoff's. The format and point systems for the playoffs are currently to be determined
Playoff Rules:
1. You must compete in at least (7) Sunday Devotional Events to qualify for the playoffs.
2. The top 20 competitor’s in each division will be invited to the playoff’s
3. During the playoff’s the entry fee for each week will be $5.00 with a $1.00 going to the PDGA, $1.00 going to the PFDS and $3.00 going to the playoff purse. Weekly payouts will not occur during the playoffs.
4. Anyone wishing to play a PDGA rated round during playoff weeks that do not actually qualify for the playoff will be allowed for a $2.00 entry fee. $1.00 going to the PDGA and $1.00 going to PFDS. No payouts will occur for those players.
5. Everyone who qualifies for the playoffs will be assigned a point total based on the regular season standings
6. There will be a total of (3) playoff weeks
7. Each week of the playoffs players will receive points based on their scores during the playoff week event.
8. At the end of the playoffs the points will be tallied and the winners in each division will be paid out.

Playoff's Point Format: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6rviUz44AVZeTFDVlpYSWxEYzQ/view?usp=sharing

Part I http://www.pdga.com/tour/event/31419
Part II http://www.pdga.com/tour/event/32708
Part III https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/33548

Questions? Contact Eden Gonano [email redacted]
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