Alaska PDGA Leagues Series #8

December '16 - February '17
Hosted by Anchorage Disc Golf Association

Ace Pool


Updated December 3, 2016 at 9:27pm


About this league

This league is PDGA singles with random players from all pools on each card. Payout and points will be set in 3 separate player pools.

Pool A = PDGA rating of 910 or higher
Pool B = PDGA rating between 850 and 909
Pool C = PDGA rating below 849

Players always have the choice of playing in a higher pool for greater competition.
Entry fee breakdown ( $7.00 )
$5.00 goes to payout in participants pool
$1.00 goes to Ace Fund
$0.50 goes to ADGA
$0.50 goes to PDGA

$50.00 PDGA sanctioning fee will be paid by the Sweeter Side of Spenard