Wortman Holiday Series 2016-2017

November '16 - January '17
Hosted by Mid Valley Disc Sports Association

Ace Pool


Updated December 26, 2016 at 11:03pm


About this league

This is our annual Holiday Series. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. Gain points for the overall trophy. Points are awarded in this manner. You get a point for everyone you score better than. You get a bonus point for showing up. You get 3 bonus points for your second event. You get 5 bonus points for your 3rd event. You get a point for an out right victory. You get a bonus point for an ace. These are 1 round of 18 hole events. Thanksgiving is triples/teams. Christmas is singles. New Years is doubles/teams. $3.00 to play each event. $1.00 to ace pot. $1.00 to ctp's. $1.00 to overall trophy. Donations for refreshments and overall trophy always accepted. Start times are 9:00 a.m. for Thanksgiving. 12 noon for Christmas and New Years. Fire, refreshments, and sign ups start and hour or two earlier. More info contact Terry 971-241-5926