A3 Winter Legue

October '16 - April '17
Hosted by Ann Arbor Area Disc Induced Sports Club

Ace Pool


Updated April 6, 2017 at 12:54pm


About this league

Registration between 930 and 10am on each (Bi-weekly) Sundays played, tee off 10:00 AM.
random draw doubles, best disc

You must have paid the one time fee to play in this league and to participate in the ace pool.
weekly fee includes $5 towards weekly payouts, $1 towards berths and optional $1 ace pool.
you must play 8 rounds to be eligible to win berths.
points are awarded for each round which will determine who is eligible to gets berths.
The optional buy in for Ace Pool is of course $1, we will payout 50% for the first 4 rounds, then 75% for the next 4 rounds and 100% for the final rounds. The final round on April 23