
Wortman Tuesday Handicap League 2016

Handicap Mixed · Apr - Oct 2016 · McMinnville, OR


Wortman Tuesday Handicap League 2016
Course for October 18th and 25th
Down to the final two weeks to gain points. Down to 9 holes and hope we can get them in. Hole 1: Tee pad 3 to basket 4. Hole 2: Tee pad 9 to basket 5. Hole 3: Tee pad 6 to basket 7. Hole 4: Tee pa ... show more ›
Oct 18, 2016 by Terry Shuler
Wortman Tuesday Handicap League 2016
Course for October 4th and 11th
This is a 12 hole course. Play holes 1-12 before playing holes 13-15. Hole 1: Tee off dirt up from tee pad 1 behind first tree to basket 2. Must land within path, creek/bed, and road on all shots. Dr ... show more ›
Sep 29, 2016 by Terry Shuler
Wortman Tuesday Handicap League 2016
Course for September 20th and 27th
Again we will play a 15 hole course. There will be three added holes again if you can finish them before dark. Must play 1-15 first then try to finish 16-18. Hole 1: Tee off dirt in front of tee pa ... show more ›
Sep 20, 2016 by Terry Shuler
Wortman Tuesday Handicap League 2016
Course for September 6th
Hole 1: Tee off grass up from tee pad 1 to basket 2. Must land within path, road, and creek bed on all shots. Normal OB line rules apply. Hole 2: Hole 3. Hole 3: Tee pad 4 to portable basket left of ... show more ›
Sep 1, 2016 by Terry Shuler
Wortman Tuesday Handicap League 2016
Course for August 30th triples.
Bonus points week. All points will be added to your yearly score. Player of the month bonus points are still up for grabs. No handicaps used. Short curse for birdie bash. Maybe we can give anither ace ... show more ›
Aug 24, 2016 by Terry Shuler
Wortman Tuesday Handicap League 2016
Course for August 16th and August 23rd
Hole 1: Hole 5. On and over road left OB. Hole 2: Tee off grass up from tee pad 6 near small tree to the right to basket 6. Hole 3: Tee off path up from playground to basket 7. Hole 4: Hole 8. In a ... show more ›
Aug 16, 2016 by Terry Shuler
Wortman Tuesday Handicap League 2016
Course for August 2nd and 9th
Hole 1: Hole 1 Hole 2: Tee off grass in front of center field fence to basket 12. On and over path right OB. In and over creek OB. Hole 3: Tee off grass across creek right of spider tree to basket 1 ... show more ›
Jul 30, 2016 by Terry Shuler
Wortman Tuesday Handicap League 2016
Course for July 5th and 12th
Hole 1: Hole 5. Hole 2: Tee off grass near tee board 20 to basket 7. Hole 3: Tee off path just up from play ground to basket 8. Hole 4: Tee pad 9 to basket 10. Par 4. Hole 5: Tee off center of par ... show more ›
Jul 6, 2016 by Terry Shuler
Wortman Tuesday Handicap League 2016
Course for June 21st and 28th
Hole 1: Tee pad 5 to portable basket on hill by stop sign. Must land between path and road on drive. Drop zone tee pad 6. Hole 2: Tee pad 6 to basket 7. Hole 3: Hole 8. In and over creek OB. Hole 4 ... show more ›
Jun 19, 2016 by Terry Shuler
Wortman Tuesday Handicap League 2016
Bonus week. Triples.
We have reached a fifth Tuesday of the month. That means bonus round. All points will be added to your point total for the year. Will also count towards player of the month. We will form into three pe ... show more ›
May 31, 2016 by Terry Shuler
Wortman Tuesday Handicap League 2016
Course for May 17th and 24th.
Hole 1: Hole 1. Hole 2: Tee off path behind center field fence to basket 12. Hole 3: Tee pad 2 to portable basket near creek and bridge. In and over creek OB. On and over path OB. Hole 4: Hole 3. M ... show more ›
May 12, 2016 by Terry Shuler
Wortman Tuesday Handicap League 2016
Course for may 3rd and 10th.
Hole 1: Tee pad 1 to portable basket at end of woods. On and over path OB. Hole 2: Tee off pad behind restrooms to basket 1. Mando right of marked tree. Drop zone tee board 24. Ball field infield are ... show more ›
May 3, 2016 by Terry Shuler
show 8 earlier comments
Josh Warner May 6, 2016 Liar and a joke lol. We all know you broke Terry.
Josh Warner May 6, 2016 I'm over it. Multiple witnesses watched me pay you. Tired of hearing your b.s. lies. Have a nice life Terry.
Terry Shuler May 6, 2016
Pay me what? What to come look at the record book. $5.00 to get into the series. $10.00 to cash fund ... show more ›
Wortman Tuesday Handicap League 2016
Course change
Due to the non mowing of the park this week the short grass is almost the tall grass so no real definition in the line. So no tall grass OB today on holes 7, 13, and 18. Apr 19, 2016 by Terry Shuler
Michael "Parker" Ray Apr 19, 2016 Terry, is this one of your jokes? Classic!
Wortman Tuesday Handicap League 2016
Course for April 19th and 26th
Hole 1: Tee off dirt across road from tee pad 1 behind small tree root line to basket 2. Must land between path, road, and creek on all shots. Drop zone tee pad 3. Hole 2: Tee pad 3 to portable baske ... show more ›
Apr 15, 2016 by Terry Shuler
show 4 earlier comments
Josh Warner Apr 16, 2016 Lol.You are a joke Terry. Thanks again for the laugh. Have a nice life. Lol
Josh Warner Apr 16, 2016 Hence lol. Who says that lol
Josh Warner Apr 16, 2016 Who the f is Eric lol
Wortman Tuesday Handicap League 2016
1st course of year.
Hole 1: Tee pad 1 to basket 2. Must land within path, road, and creek on all shots. Drop zone tee pad 5. Hole 2: Tee pad 3 to basket 4. Hole 3: Tee pad 9 to basket 5. Path and right OB. Drop zone by ... show more ›
Apr 5, 2016 by Terry Shuler
Josh Warner Apr 16, 2016 Terry is a joke
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