
Wortman Tuesday Handicap League 2016

Handicap Mixed · Apr - Oct 2016 · McMinnville, OR

Wortman Tuesday Handicap League 2016

April - October 2016
Handicap Mixed
Hosted by Mid Valley Disc Sports Association

Ace Pool


Updated September 1, 2016 at 12:37am


Wortman Tuesday Handicap League 2016
Course for October 18th and 25th
Down to the final two weeks to gain points. Down to 9 holes and hope we can get them in. Hole 1: Tee pad 3 to basket 4. Hole 2: Tee pad 9 to basket 5. Hole 3: Tee pad 6 to basket 7. Hole 4: Tee pa ... show more ›
Oct 18, 2016 by Terry Shuler

About this league

This is our annual M.V.D.S.A. Tuesday Handicap League. Points get awarded through out the year to set up the playoffs in October for trophies for the top 5.. Members of M.V.D.S.A. ($5.00 or $15.00 memberships) are only eligible for added prizes and year end party. Your $5.00 fee and $1.00 donations are for your points calculations and possible year end trophy and also allow you to enter the ace pot. You must be a Tuesday League or M.V.D.S.A. member and make your $1.00 donation for the day to be eligible for ace pot. Anyone is welcome to join along for the day and play for free.
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