Sunday Sunrise League
Mixed · Oct '15 - Feb '16 · Ravenna, OH
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First leage round
Fun times at the first official League day. 4 of us played doubles. We were tied going into the last hole. Dustin and I Pulled out the victory with a birdie 4 on 18.
Oct 4, 2015
by Scott Campbell
About this league
I know it's early in the morning, but what better way to kick off a Sunday. We should be done by 10am. This is just a fun casual league. Mixed formats: Shorts, Longs, Dubs, Monster 9 layout, you name it we will give it a try.
I know it's early in the morning, but what better way to kick off a Sunday. We should be done by 10am. This is just a fun casual league. Mixed formats: Shorts, Longs, Dubs, Monster 9 layout, you name it we will give it a try.