Bo Fought Mar 10, 2016Yours? Had I known that I would have kept it with me. We called Norm about it lastnight and I assumed he was going to give it to Norm.
Bo Fought Mar 10, 2016Message sent your way with #
Scottie Reslock Mar 11, 2016thanks, I'll give him a call. I had just got that from norm the other day
Scott Sprow Feb 12, 2016yes, cold as hell....need to look at actual feel like, but it was like 14 when i left the park (not accounting for wind chill)
Phil "Puttimus Prime" Common
Can u post a pic of the supercolor raffle disc? Thanks. Also i forgot to pick up my trotters on wednesday. Ill get that done this week Feb 12, 2016
Mark Stephens Feb 12, 2016It is the same one as the berth discs
Shane Brayton Feb 12, 2016Scott or Mark, do you have to be at states to win the basket raffle?
Scott Sprow Feb 12, 2016Thanks Mark, was getting to that post after getting kids down for nap. Berth discs/raffle discs feature Addison Oaks Hole 1 and Chippewa Banks Hole 18
Scott Sprow Feb 12, 2016Shane, as far as being there....raffle ticket says you do not need to be present to win.
Scott Sprow Feb 12, 2016took a photo of the discs and posted it in the album.....should be able to view it now.
Brian Hyzertron Crouch
Wow! What a grouping at the top of the leaderboard. I need to find some way to get back tomorrow night so I can play Feb 3, 2016
Rooster Robb DeHaan Feb 3, 2016Just take another trip Crouch, you'll be fine if you miss a few more weeks.
Scott Sprow Dec 31, 2015damn.....alright, will get that corrected
Scott Sprow Dec 31, 2015Sorry Scottie, I was one name off.
Ben Calhoun
With Bandy being closed Jan-March, BRATS is open for use for this glow league (while still a free course) during that time, just let us know in advance Dad says. When there's not lots of/wet snow (for parking issues). Dec 18, 2015
Scott Sprow Dec 18, 2015That is very generous of your parents....hoping snow holds off. Would like to see what they have done with the property.
Brooke Plantz
Anyone planning to play more holes tonight after league. I'm going to try and get there around 10pm Nov 12, 2015
Cody Scott
Thanks for having me last wednesday! I will definitely be playing from now on! Nov 6, 2015
Jay B
WHAT? 70 degrees in november!!Might be the last warm day this year so dont miss coming out to play some glow golf at firefighters in troy tonight, 630 tee off unless you call or message that youre running behind
Scott Sprow Nov 3, 2015i will say yes for this week to the 730 start.....we will see what availability of those in attendance is tomorrow.....if it does not affect everyone, we can try starting earlier.