24 Cha!ns Summer 2015
Mixed · May - Oct 2015 · Ypsilanti, MI
Friday night league is over.. Sundays dont start till Nov 1.. But we can still have some FUN... Friday night Dubs at Bandemer .. Shaffer will be there around 5 with some merch.. and we will Flip and tee by 6.. CHAAA!!!!!
Oct 22, 2015
by Robert Shaffer
Brats, Friday, 5:30.... Get some
Friday meet at 5:30 and tee off at 6:00 sharp.. this means we flip for teams at 5:45. We asked and you answered, this week we play Ann Arbors best kept secret.. Bratsholmes. The access has been grant ...
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Oct 9, 2015
by Hunter S. Dotson

Calling all votes
Going back to the old school on this one... so let's just see where this takes us. Vote for this weeks course and let us know where we throw. Votes end this Wednesday at noon.
Oct 7, 2015
by Hunter S. Dotson
To Pirates Bay We Go!!! 6pm tee off!
Sorry for the late post. $5 freddies be agoing down at Waterworks.CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Oct 2, 2015 by Scottie Reslock
Ye Ol' Brown Park (MBD) 6pm Tee Off!
Set yer sails for A2 for a fun filled day with us lovable (and loud) pirates!There will be dirties, quarters & CHA aplenty! We will meet to hurl insults at each other at 530pm & we will throw our discs wildly into the air at 6pm!See ya scurvy dogs then, CHAAAAAAA!!! Sep 24, 2015 by Scottie Reslock
Tomorrow..5:30 meet with a 6:00 tee Hudson Mills
Come one and come all.... Ye fare Kaptin, the one, the only, Miah will be running this weeks show out at the majestic and rolling landscape out at Hudson Mills. So load up your libations and get ready for one hell of a ride out at hudson.
Sep 17, 2015
by Hunter S. Dotson
Tomorrow @ 5:30 with a Tee off at 6:00 Bandemer 'DaMer
Tomorrow @ 5:30 with a Tee off at 6:00 you have the chance to come on out and join the Pirates as they take on Bandemer for 18 - 27 holes of Golf. We will vote on Format, Tees and side games prior to the round.. See you there.-Admiral Sep 10, 2015 by Hunter S. Dotson
Friday $5 Freddy at Water Works park.. Meet at 5:30 and tee off at 6:0
Berth to states... Nope. Playing the LCQ.. Nope. Got nothing else on the docket for Friday? Got $5 and are curious as to what the Pirates are all about? Then feel free to come on out to Water ...
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Sep 3, 2015
by Hunter S. Dotson
8.28.15 Cass Benton 6pm tee off! CHAAA!!!!
Thats right you scurvy dogs! Bring yer gold for tarzan & dirties but please leave yer purse at home or yer walkin the plank!
Aug 27, 2015
by Scottie Reslock
Pay / Reg for states ASAP. That is all,
-Admiral Aug 24, 2015 by Hunter S. Dotson

With the sun beginning to say out less and less we are trying to reach out and play a few farther / larger courses before it is too late. This week we are heading out to the north to try our luck at the new course "Lyon's Den". Meet time of 5:30 and tee off at 6:00.
Aug 20, 2015
by Hunter S. Dotson
8.7.15 Water Works $5 Freddies!!
This be the monthly cash round, yar!
Aug 4, 2015
by Scottie Reslock
7.31.15 Hudson Mills, Monster, Be There!! 6:00pm Tee Off!
Bring yer dirties, quarters & plenty of CHA! Monster is the course we be setting sail fer lest ye be a coward!
Jul 29, 2015
by Scottie Reslock
Where to Ya Scurvy Dogs!!!
We are setting our sales to one of four points this week, cast yer vote less you be a coward! Here are the spots, time to slap an X on one:Hudon Mills (Monster!!!)
Independance Lake
Cass Benton
CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Jul 27, 2015 by Scottie Reslock
late post sorry guys
Freedom park is where we will play 530 meet 6 tee offJul 23, 2015 by Robert Shaffer
sorry bout the tardiness... Indy, Hudson, Bandy and Freedom. Vote till tomorrow noon.
Jul 15, 2015
by Hunter S. Dotson

Friday 5:30 meet / 6:00 tee off... M.B.D.
BoOm.... We shall head out to Brown Parrrrrk and see just how big the Quarters can get...-Admiral Jul 9, 2015 by Hunter S. Dotson
Late post, quick votes,, possible extension of the vote to Thursday am...MBD, Bandy or... Jul 8, 2015 by Hunter S. Dotson

Vote it up
Time to start voting for Fridays course. Options are Mbd, kensy, Hudson, gulch.. Let the games begin
Jun 23, 2015
by Hunter S. Dotson
Friday BRATS. 5:30 Meet, 6:00 Tee.
This Friday we shall descend upon one of the Ann Arbors best kept secrets, We are heading to BRATS for what shall be one of those rounds I guarantee you will not want to miss. We are going to undoub ...
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Jun 18, 2015
by Hunter S. Dotson
Friday, Rollings Hills, 5:30 meet, 6:00 tee. Do it
Do it
Jun 11, 2015
by Hunter S. Dotson
Friday, Rollings Hills, 5:30 meet, 6:00 tee. Do it
Do it
Jun 11, 2015
by Hunter S. Dotson
Late post and our bad on that. MBD, Black Locust (f'reel), Freedom, Rolling. Let us know where to go for this Frida
Jun 10, 2015
by Hunter S. Dotson
Friday @ Hudson Mills, Meet 5:30 / Tee 6:00 sharp
This Friday we are heading out to the fairways of Hudson Mills to see if we can cash in on the growing ace pool and line our pockets with enough quarters to make it through the holiday weekend. L ...
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May 21, 2015
by Hunter S. Dotson
Vote it up for this week, Where shall it be...-Cass Benton
-Free Vote.
Voting starts now and ends noon on Wednesday.
-Admiral May 19, 2015 by Hunter S. Dotson

Friday Knight.. Willow.. Meet 5:30 pm Tee off 6:00 SHARP
This Friday we are taking the ship and krew out to play Willow Metro Park for what will be probably one of the last 'Skeeter free rounds of the season. Even still I am packing some deet to fend of ...
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May 14, 2015
by Hunter S. Dotson

Here is a little message in a bottle from the Admiral..
This Saturday May 16th is Ypsilanti P.R.I.D.E Day ( http://www.a2ychamber.org/foundati…/ypsilanti-p-r-i-d-e-day/ ) and we will be out in force to help spruce up our home port a little bit. We wi ...
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May 12, 2015
by Hunter S. Dotson
Vote for Friday!
Lets see what course wins out.. Here. We. GO.Lakeshore
Brown Park May 11, 2015 by Hunter S. Dotson
Vote for Friday!
Lets see what course wins out.. Here. We. GO.Lakeshore
Brown Park May 11, 2015 by Hunter S. Dotson
Friday Meet 5:30 / T 6:00 Sharp -= Indy =-
Lay to rest your worries and join us as we embark on our Friday Session. This week we set sail and aim the cannons towards the fine fairways of Independence lake. Meet time of 5:30 and Tee off at 6: ...
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May 7, 2015
by Hunter S. Dotson

Sunday, 10:00 am Meet / 10:30 am Tee Off.. BLUE GILL
We are taking our show on the road for the last "Field Trip" of the Winter season... Traditionally we took this game to Albion, but, after some consideration and a invite we decided to take this game ...
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Apr 30, 2015
by Hunter S. Dotson

Friday @ 5:30 / T-6:00
The people hath spoken and we are going with Tradition. Bandemer park. Meet 5:30 / Tee 6:00 SHARP. Bring out ye Dead.....
Apr 29, 2015
by Hunter S. Dotson
Listen up and listen good... You skervy pirates have stuck it out think, thin and blistering cold. Now ushers in the time the we all crave.... Now comes a time that started it all.. Now we head back t ...
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Apr 27, 2015
by Hunter S. Dotson