
Disc On! Ladies League (DOLLs) Detroit

Mixed · May - Aug 2015 · Milford, MI


Disc On! Ladies League (DOLLs) Detroit
Course Change to Lyons Den!
Hi ladies! Today we are scheduled for Kensington at 6:30, but we are going to go across the street to check out a NEW course that was just put in! We'll be teeing off at Lyons Den at 6:30 today. You' ... show more ›
Aug 4, 2015 by Ashlee Beno
Jessica Oleskie Aug 5, 2015 Wish i could be there on tuesdays ladies! :( my boss wont budge on hours lol. How was the course?
Disc On! Ladies League (DOLLs) Detroit
July 21st leagues cancelled
Hello everyone, we are going to have to cancel leagues this Tuesday. Ashlee and I will both be gone at the world championships so we won't be there to run it. If you still want to play you are more than welcome to get a meet up going. Thanks and happy discin'!
Jul 18, 2015 by Samantha Yanssens
Disc On! Ladies League (DOLLs) Detroit
Just a reminder..
We will be teeing off at Fire Fighters tonight at 6:30. Still free to come play and we will be starting a $2 ace pool if anyone wants in! Also big thanks to Matt Oller of Oller's Acres for his donat ... show more ›
Jun 17, 2015 by Samantha Yanssens
[member not found] Jun 16, 2015 Sweet! Thanks Matt :))) that's a pretty cool incentive!
Becky Carlisle Jun 18, 2015 Nice. Thanks!!!
Disc On! Ladies League (DOLLs) Detroit
6/2 Starr
Thanks to the 3 ladies for coming out last night! Nice job to Sam Menzo for shooting the hot round :) Good luck to all the women playing at DGGW this weekend and just a reminder next week we will be at Kensington Metropark! Jun 3, 2015 by Samantha Yanssens
Samantha Menzo Jun 4, 2015 thanks to you for setting it up! :] i had fun ladies!
Disc On! Ladies League (DOLLs) Detroit
6/2 Change of course
Tomorrow we will be playing at Starr-Jaycee Park in Royal Oak instead of Bonnie Brook, due to the recent rain we've had it is too flooded to play. I'm sorry if this inconveniences anyone but I hope to still see you all at Starr-Jayce park @6:30! Jun 2, 2015 by Samantha Yanssens
Disc On! Ladies League (DOLLs) Detroit
5/19 FF
Had an even amount of ladies come out tonight so we played doubles. Ashlee Jurski and Tiger Borth took it down with -3, and Chelsey Murdock won the CTP! Thanks for coming out everyone, it was a great time! Next week we will be playing at NorthRidge Church in plymouth, hope to see you there! May 20, 2015 by Samantha Yanssens
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