Disc On! Ladies League (DOLLs) Detroit
Mixed · May - Aug 2015 · Milford, MI
Course Change to Lyons Den!
Hi ladies! Today we are scheduled for Kensington at 6:30, but we are going to go across the street to check out a NEW course that was just put in! We'll be teeing off at Lyons Den at 6:30 today. You' ...
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Aug 4, 2015
by Ashlee Beno

July 21st leagues cancelled
Hello everyone, we are going to have to cancel leagues this Tuesday. Ashlee and I will both be gone at the world championships so we won't be there to run it. If you still want to play you are more than welcome to get a meet up going. Thanks and happy discin'!Jul 18, 2015 by Samantha Yanssens
Just a reminder..
We will be teeing off at Fire Fighters tonight at 6:30. Still free to come play and we will be starting a $2 ace pool if anyone wants in! Also big thanks to Matt Oller of Oller's Acres for his donat ...
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Jun 17, 2015
by Samantha Yanssens
6/2 Starr
Thanks to the 3 ladies for coming out last night! Nice job to Sam Menzo for shooting the hot round :) Good luck to all the women playing at DGGW this weekend and just a reminder next week we will be at Kensington Metropark!
Jun 3, 2015
by Samantha Yanssens
6/2 Change of course
Tomorrow we will be playing at Starr-Jaycee Park in Royal Oak instead of Bonnie Brook, due to the recent rain we've had it is too flooded to play. I'm sorry if this inconveniences anyone but I hope to still see you all at Starr-Jayce park @6:30!
Jun 2, 2015
by Samantha Yanssens
5/19 FF
Had an even amount of ladies come out tonight so we played doubles. Ashlee Jurski and Tiger Borth took it down with -3, and Chelsey Murdock won the CTP! Thanks for coming out everyone, it was a great time! Next week we will be playing at NorthRidge Church in plymouth, hope to see you there!
May 20, 2015
by Samantha Yanssens