2014/2015 Bandemer Glow Doubles
Doubles · Nov '14 - Mar '15 · Ann Arbor, MI
Monday, November 10th
This coming monday will mark the beginning of Bandemer Glow Doubles. We will meet every monday at 7pm from now till the end of February. Cost will be $10. $5 to play $2 for ace pool $3 for ctps. Hope to see you all out there.
Nov 8, 2014
by Phil "Puttimus Prime" Common
About this league
Fee per round $5
Random draw doubles at Bandemer Park in Ann Arbor every monday at 7pm. Cost will be $10 each week ($5 to play/$5 Ace Pool). Glow discs will be allowed but leds will most likely be needed depending on snowfall. As always, text or call if running late.