TNT- Tuesday Night Twilight

October '14 - December '15
Bag Tag
Hosted by Oregon State Champions Series (DGLA)

Ace Pool


Updated February 27, 2015 at 12:12am


About this league

Twilight and Glow league
Sign in starts at 4:45
Tee off at 5:15pm
Roaming to courses near you!
Singles with two Divisions (minimum of 3 people to have two divisions)
Glow tag is $5 for payouts at end of series
$4 Payout per division
$1 CTP hole
$1 Ace Pool
First holes might be close to glow, and all the baskets will be lit. Glow Disc, disc lights and black light flash lights will be on sale each session and available upon request. This will be a singles league with two NCAA divisions (haha) - D1 and D2.
See you under the Lights!