Payouts as follows: 40 percent of field as established previously. As of today at wilder the cash pot is at 578. 130 for 13 players at 10 a piece, then 448 which is 250 minus 26 times 2 (cash pot is ...
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Payouts as follows: 40 percent of field as established previously. As of today at wilder the cash pot is at 578. 130 for 13 players at 10 a piece, then 448 which is 250 minus 26 times 2 (cash pot is twice the amount of ace minus 2 dollars apiece from the original 13 players buy ins which covered their first league fee. I will be pulling a little cash to pay for a couple prizes like I stated before but no more than the 78 dollars plus next weeks buy in . So tht being said there is 500 dollars to pay out to 5 lucky lads!!! first place will receive 160 dollars, second place 125, third place 110, fourth place 60, and our fifth place finisher 60!! Its been an amazing league and I appreciate everyone coming out weekly ! I already can't wait for the next series. Also, finale will coincide w the last league day at woodmansee next Thursday. Make sure to come even if not in top 5 cause there are a few others special prizes for select catagories! Oh btw.... There is an epic ace pot of 250 dollars to be split into numerous cash ctps and prizes!! (Have to b current league member to be eligible) cya guys next thurs! I gotta get to work planning an epic finale! Nite! Chain gang out!