Northside Rival 2014
Bag Tag · Mar - Sep 2014 · Alpharetta, GA
Locations (10)
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2014 Rivals season is a wrap...
Final results from Rivals Championship at ERP...
1st Ryan Watson - 105
2nd Matt Eatmon - 107
3rd Andy Stapler - 111
T4 Dustin Penwright - 120
T4 Craig Nettleship - 120
T4 Adam Ray - 120
7th Mit ...
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Oct 5, 2014
by Dustin Penwright
About this league
Fee to join $10
Active players 30
Northside Rivals is a bag tag league focusing on play in 10 of North Atlanta's finest courses! This is a points and rounds played driven league that will run a 30 week season between Tuesday March 4th and Tuesday Sept 23rd 2014.
Northside Courses are Wills, ERP, Sequoyah, Alexander, Central, Oregon, Legacy, Suwanee, Little Mulberry and NGCT for 2014
Rivals will be limited to 30 players for 2014 (doubling from 15 players in 2013)
Player seeding will be determined by when payment is received for this years Rivals Tag. Seeding will start with the #2 tag pending the 2013 EOS Champion returns for the 2014 Rivals Season
The player with the MOST POINTS at the end of the 30 week season (Sept 23rd) will be awarded the ability to pick the location of the 2014 End of Season Championship (default location will be Little Mulberry DGC) on Saturday October 4th from one of the 10 courses named in the league overview.
Points will be updated once a week on Tuesday or Wednesday evening for the previous weeks play. Due to only being able to track bag tags OR points for a league and NOT both simultaneously, points will be posted in the "League News" section and on the Northside ATL Disc Golf Club Facebook page.
The player with the MOST ROUNDS played will be awarded the 2014 Rivals Iron Man Trophy Disc at the EOS Championship on Saturday October 4th.
The player that wins the EOS Championship on Oct 4th 2014 will start the 2015 Rivals Season with the #1 tag (pending that player returns to the league).
***************** Rules of Engagement and League Agreement ****************
1) Must be a Northside Atlanta resident as of Tuesday March 4th 2014 to be admitted into the league
2) Tags must be attached to bags or carts and carried whenever you are playing
3) You may challenge anyone carrying a tag and the challenge must be accepted by each player prior to play to be a valid round
4) You may not hide when you have a lower number tag (primarily #1). It will be advised that if you are holding the #1 tag, you make an effort to play within 2 weeks of obtaining that tag
5) If you have to leave during a challenge round (for any reason) you will forfeit your tag and graciously accept the highest numbered tag in the group
6) In the case of a tie, the player who held the lowest numbered tag prior to the match would receive the lower numbered tag and so on (NO TIEBREAKERS)
7) If you lose or maliciously deface your tag you may be able to PURCHASE a "back-up, I'm not responsible" tag replacement for $20.... SO DON'T LOSE THEM :-)
8) Anyone caught cheating or holding out will be REMOVED from the league and denied a refund of league entry fees. This is to uphold the premiere and professional image of the Northside Atlanta Disc Golf Club
9) Bag Tag matches during tournaments are automatic, provided someone runs the action. This includes getting everyone’s tag before the first round, tallying everyone’s scores, getting tags distributed at the end of the tournament, and entering the results in the website. If I (Dustin) am playing in a tournament, I will run the action. Tournament bag tag challenges will be based on the cumulative score (all rounds totaled). When entering a tournament challenge based on a cumulative score, you will have to have a tag update recorded also. This is because the tag order will automatically update based on the last rounds results. Enter each round individually and then finally a basic Tag Update
10) We will utilize to keep track of the league standings. If you don’t already have an account there, please sign up for one using the email address you give me when you purchase your tag. The account is free. If you use the email address you supplied me, your account will automatically linked to the league.
11) You will enter challenge matches at this link…
Once a match is entered I will get an email to verify the match. After I verify the match, the results will be displayed on the website and any tag updates will be made. Please enter the matches promptly so the database stays updated accurately. IMPORTANT: The only way this will work is if you enter your tag score and subsequent tag changes on this page; please make sure to do it! I’ll generally check the site each morning for matches that need verification. Please only one person enter the match(s). A good rule of thumb is that the winner enters the match. Duplicate entries generally result in a delay in the match getting verified, until I can check with BOTH people who entered the scores
Last but not least, tags are property of Northside Atlanta Disc Golf Club. Players agree to uphold the image and integrity of this club and its league rules AT ALL TIMES! We are here as ambassadors to this sport across North Atlanta and anyone not upholding these standards are subject to removal of the league, PERIOD!
Points will be awarded as follows:
(10) points to the winner of a Founder's Day (Tuesday 10am) league round according to the league schedule
(5) points to each non-winning player in a Founder's Day (Tuesday 10am) league round according to the league schedule
(3) points to the winner of a Rivals Round played on one of the Northside courses listed in the league overview
(1) point to each non-winning player of Rivals Round on one of the Northside courses listed in the league overview
Bonus Points round(s) added to schedule:
Bonus Event #1
Memorial Day 5-26-14 at Suwanee (Greg) and Sequoyah (Dustin) at 11am
20 pts - 1st Place
15 pts - 2nd Place
10 pts - 3rd Place
5 pts - All other Rivals
Bonus Event #2
Little Mulberry Opening 7-15-14
30 pts - 1st Place
20 pts - 2nd Place
10 pts - 3rd Place
5 pts - 4th Place
1 pt - All other Rivals
Points will NOT be awarded to rounds played on non Northside courses as listed in the league overview. Tags are free to travel to ANY and ALL courses per standard bag tag rules and round submissions should be submitted as expected to gain more recorded rounds played
*To be eligible for the Season Championship on Oct 4th 2014, you MUST have at LEAST 10 (ten) Rivals rounds logged over the 30 week period from Tuesday March 4th and Tuesday September 23rd.
Looking forward to an exciting and successful 2014 Rivals Season!
Northside Courses are Wills, ERP, Sequoyah, Alexander, Central, Oregon, Legacy, Suwanee, Little Mulberry and NGCT for 2014
Rivals will be limited to 30 players for 2014 (doubling from 15 players in 2013)
Player seeding will be determined by when payment is received for this years Rivals Tag. Seeding will start with the #2 tag pending the 2013 EOS Champion returns for the 2014 Rivals Season
The player with the MOST POINTS at the end of the 30 week season (Sept 23rd) will be awarded the ability to pick the location of the 2014 End of Season Championship (default location will be Little Mulberry DGC) on Saturday October 4th from one of the 10 courses named in the league overview.
Points will be updated once a week on Tuesday or Wednesday evening for the previous weeks play. Due to only being able to track bag tags OR points for a league and NOT both simultaneously, points will be posted in the "League News" section and on the Northside ATL Disc Golf Club Facebook page.
The player with the MOST ROUNDS played will be awarded the 2014 Rivals Iron Man Trophy Disc at the EOS Championship on Saturday October 4th.
The player that wins the EOS Championship on Oct 4th 2014 will start the 2015 Rivals Season with the #1 tag (pending that player returns to the league).
***************** Rules of Engagement and League Agreement ****************
1) Must be a Northside Atlanta resident as of Tuesday March 4th 2014 to be admitted into the league
2) Tags must be attached to bags or carts and carried whenever you are playing
3) You may challenge anyone carrying a tag and the challenge must be accepted by each player prior to play to be a valid round
4) You may not hide when you have a lower number tag (primarily #1). It will be advised that if you are holding the #1 tag, you make an effort to play within 2 weeks of obtaining that tag
5) If you have to leave during a challenge round (for any reason) you will forfeit your tag and graciously accept the highest numbered tag in the group
6) In the case of a tie, the player who held the lowest numbered tag prior to the match would receive the lower numbered tag and so on (NO TIEBREAKERS)
7) If you lose or maliciously deface your tag you may be able to PURCHASE a "back-up, I'm not responsible" tag replacement for $20.... SO DON'T LOSE THEM :-)
8) Anyone caught cheating or holding out will be REMOVED from the league and denied a refund of league entry fees. This is to uphold the premiere and professional image of the Northside Atlanta Disc Golf Club
9) Bag Tag matches during tournaments are automatic, provided someone runs the action. This includes getting everyone’s tag before the first round, tallying everyone’s scores, getting tags distributed at the end of the tournament, and entering the results in the website. If I (Dustin) am playing in a tournament, I will run the action. Tournament bag tag challenges will be based on the cumulative score (all rounds totaled). When entering a tournament challenge based on a cumulative score, you will have to have a tag update recorded also. This is because the tag order will automatically update based on the last rounds results. Enter each round individually and then finally a basic Tag Update
10) We will utilize to keep track of the league standings. If you don’t already have an account there, please sign up for one using the email address you give me when you purchase your tag. The account is free. If you use the email address you supplied me, your account will automatically linked to the league.
11) You will enter challenge matches at this link…
Once a match is entered I will get an email to verify the match. After I verify the match, the results will be displayed on the website and any tag updates will be made. Please enter the matches promptly so the database stays updated accurately. IMPORTANT: The only way this will work is if you enter your tag score and subsequent tag changes on this page; please make sure to do it! I’ll generally check the site each morning for matches that need verification. Please only one person enter the match(s). A good rule of thumb is that the winner enters the match. Duplicate entries generally result in a delay in the match getting verified, until I can check with BOTH people who entered the scores
Last but not least, tags are property of Northside Atlanta Disc Golf Club. Players agree to uphold the image and integrity of this club and its league rules AT ALL TIMES! We are here as ambassadors to this sport across North Atlanta and anyone not upholding these standards are subject to removal of the league, PERIOD!
Points will be awarded as follows:
(10) points to the winner of a Founder's Day (Tuesday 10am) league round according to the league schedule
(5) points to each non-winning player in a Founder's Day (Tuesday 10am) league round according to the league schedule
(3) points to the winner of a Rivals Round played on one of the Northside courses listed in the league overview
(1) point to each non-winning player of Rivals Round on one of the Northside courses listed in the league overview
Bonus Points round(s) added to schedule:
Bonus Event #1
Memorial Day 5-26-14 at Suwanee (Greg) and Sequoyah (Dustin) at 11am
20 pts - 1st Place
15 pts - 2nd Place
10 pts - 3rd Place
5 pts - All other Rivals
Bonus Event #2
Little Mulberry Opening 7-15-14
30 pts - 1st Place
20 pts - 2nd Place
10 pts - 3rd Place
5 pts - 4th Place
1 pt - All other Rivals
Points will NOT be awarded to rounds played on non Northside courses as listed in the league overview. Tags are free to travel to ANY and ALL courses per standard bag tag rules and round submissions should be submitted as expected to gain more recorded rounds played
*To be eligible for the Season Championship on Oct 4th 2014, you MUST have at LEAST 10 (ten) Rivals rounds logged over the 30 week period from Tuesday March 4th and Tuesday September 23rd.
Looking forward to an exciting and successful 2014 Rivals Season!