Royal Oak Thursday Night Doubles
Doubles · Apr - Oct 2013 · Royal Oak, MI
even earlier start
That's right folks tonight we will be aiming for a 530 start time due to day light
Sep 26, 2013
by Brad Fuelling
even earlier start
That's right folks tonight we will be aiming for a 530 start time due to day light
Sep 26, 2013
by Brad Fuelling
earlier tee off tonight.
don't forget, 5:45 tonight maybe throw in a glow or 2 just in case.
Sep 5, 2013
by Jason Sweeney

Good luck at States!
Good luck to those of you going to play the Michigan Disc Golf Championship!! To those of you not going, we are teeing off at usual time tonight. I will not be playing, I am going up north for a wee ...
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Aug 29, 2013
by Jason Sweeney
roll back.
Starting September 5th, we will be teeing off at 5:45 because of the days getting shorter. Please plan accordingly, and as always NO WHINING!!!
Aug 26, 2013
by Jason Sweeney

leaderboard update
check the leader board for your updates, we are sorry for the delay, but sometimes work-work takes precedence over play-work.
Aug 22, 2013
by Jason Sweeney
gonna be at Starr.
Tonight, Wednesday, 8-21-13, I will be at Starr around 6pm, if you want to stop by and check out the discs and purchase one or pick up your league pack. Tomorrow I will have them at league sign up as well.
Aug 22, 2013
by Jason Sweeney
The discs are here!!
The 2013 Starr-Doubles discs have arrived, a couple are floating around out there!! Let me tell you, they turned out really nice. So to all club members, come out Thursday and get your players pack. ...
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Aug 20, 2013
by Jason Sweeney

Don't forget people for the next 3 weeks we are slumming it up at Wagner. Come on out and try to get your hands on one of three tenth anniversary bar stamp buzz's that we are giving away as our free ctp. Fun starts at 6 sharp
Jul 25, 2013
by Brad Fuelling
This will also be our last week at starr for three weeks. Starting NEXT WEEK we will be at wagner until Shakespeare in the park is over. I know its scwagner... But for a little incentive to come out those weeks we will be giving away a 10th anniversary bar stamp buzz each week as the free ctp
Jul 18, 2013
by Brad Fuelling
Its a scorcher out there today... Come on out to starr park tonight where 90% of the course is under the shade. Tee off at 6
Jul 18, 2013
by Brad Fuelling
Tonights play postponed untill 630
Jun 28, 2013
by Brad Fuelling
MiCPS double points
Also mark Thursday June 6th on your calendars, we will be one of the highlighted leagues of the week for double points
May 23, 2013
by Brad Fuelling
Looks like a few showers and a little wind are in the forecast for tonights round but don't let that deter ya from coming out. Ace pool is still hanging in there at a modest $548x75%= $411. Hope to see everyone there
May 23, 2013
by Brad Fuelling
looking like some storms are on the horizon. 60% chance of rain for our start time at 6 o'clock. registration ENDS AT 5:45 sharp!!!!
Apr 18, 2013
by Brad Fuelling

Spring is here!(kinda)
thats right folks its that time of year again where the snow has melted away and the discs are flyin high. this year we are switching it up a bit and will play exclusively at starr-jaycee park until t ...
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Mar 26, 2013
by Brad Fuelling

I just moved to the area from Saginaw a few months ago and I would like to get involved with some le ...
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