
Eastside Ace Run League

Mixed · Apr - Oct 2013 · St. Clair Shores, MI


Eastside Ace Run League
Playoffs result in Sudden Death!!
Justin Dean hit the ACE POOL for $290. Three way tie for first with a score of -21. Results: 1st place- Stoebling/Cooke.....$426 2nd place-Sersha/Dean.......$213 3rd place-Binienda/Wallo....$1 ... show more ›
Nov 6, 2013 by Derek Stockford
Joseph Henion Nov 6, 2013 Thanks for running the show Derek! I had a great time this year meeting everyone and of course, playing disc golf!!
Joseph Henion Nov 6, 2013 BTW, Cooke is a bagger. lol
Eastside Ace Run League
-21 wins
Congrats to Binienda/Sersha on the win!!! No Aces tonight. Moyer won the throwoff for 50% of the ACE POOL. K. Frad won the cash ctp ($22) and Tim Doherty won the merch ctp. $22 added to the playoff ... show more ›
Oct 31, 2013 by Derek Stockford
Eastside Ace Run League
Last week of the season is tomorrow!
Trophies are in!!! There will be trophies for the finalists, the player with the most wins, the player with the most aces, and the league champion. Awards will be after the round. Before the round the ... show more ›
Oct 29, 2013 by Derek Stockford
Eastside Ace Run League
Three way tie at -21
Congrats to Stoebling/Mouton, Maty/Tyrone, and Moyer/Dean on the tie for 1st. No Aces tonight. Jay Binienda won the cash ctp ($21). Tim Doherty won the Merch ctp (Discraft cups, and 2 ACE RACE discs)

$22 added to the playoff pot ($831 total)....$410 in the ACE POOL for next week
Oct 23, 2013 by Derek Stockford
Eastside Ace Run League
-20 wins
Congrats to Sersha/Mouton on the win. No Aces this week. I won the cash ctp ($17)

$18 added to the playoff pot ($809 total)<-----!!!!!!! $322 in the ACE POOL for next week
Oct 18, 2013 by Derek Stockford
Eastside Ace Run League
OK everybody. I have been hearing a few complaints that the playoffs should be a singles round. Since this league started it has always been a doubles match, and before I took the league over it was m ... show more ›
Oct 9, 2013 by Derek Stockford
Eastside Ace Run League
Three way tie at -20
Congrats to Sersha/Maty, Dean/Mouton, and Stockford/Wallo on the win. No ACES tonight. Nick Cooke won the cash ctp ($21) and Christian won the Merch ctp (MF Gator donated by Cooke, and a visor donated by Maty)

$22 added to the playoff pot ($791 total).....$250 in the ACE POOL for next week
Oct 9, 2013 by Derek Stockford
Eastside Ace Run League
-23 wins
Congrats to Ed Carpus and Jay Moyer on the win. 3 ACES tonight. Ed Aced hole #21 (also ctp for $23), Binienda Aced hole #19, and Tim Doherty Aced his first throw of the round on hole #2.

$24 added to the playoff pot ($769 total).....$162.50 in the ACE POOL for next week
Oct 2, 2013 by Derek Stockford
Eastside Ace Run League
-22 wins
Congrats to Cooke/Binienda on the win. No Aces last week. Mango won the cash ctp ($29). Jason Riberas won the merch ctp.

$30 added to the playoff pot ($745 total)...$227+$2 remainder from payouts in the Ace Pool
Oct 1, 2013 by Derek Stockford
Eastside Ace Run League
Tie at -23
Congrats to Binienda/Sweeney and Mouton/Fuelling on the win. Ed Carpus ACED hole #19 for $106.50! Joe B won the cash ctp ($24) and Jason Mowen won the Zeteter ctp.

$24 added to the playoff pot ($715 total)...$107 in the ACE POOL for next week
Sep 24, 2013 by Derek Stockford
Eastside Ace Run League
-22 wins
Joe B. and myself took the win tonight. 3 ACES!!! Cooke hit hole #12, Chmiel hit hole #11, and I hit hole #22. Mike Wood won the Zeteter T-shirt and the Z Nuke donated by Eric McCahill. K. Frad won the cash ctp ($28)

$28 added to the playoff pot ($691 total)....$117 in the ACE POOL for next week
Sep 11, 2013 by Derek Stockford
Eastside Ace Run League
-20 wins beginning of glow season
Congrats to Stoebling/J. Clair and J. Dean/Sersha on the win!! Schneider hits another ACE (hole#14) for $123! Justin Dean won the cash ctp ($33) and I won Zeteters ctp for the First Run D3, and the So ... show more ›
Sep 5, 2013 by Derek Stockford
Eric McCahill Sep 9, 2013 Thanks for the shoutout!! Link: http://dgscene.com/BrysAceRace3
Eastside Ace Run League
-21 wins Drivers Only
Congrats to Christian Sersha and Justin Dean on the win. Joe Wallo ACED hole #13 for $109. Binienda won the cash ctp ($26) and Justin Dean won the merch ctp (Opto-Havoc).

$24 added to the playoff pot ($629 total)....$109 in the ACE POOL for next week
Aug 28, 2013 by Derek Stockford
Eastside Ace Run League
-18 wins the Putters Only round
3 way tie for 1st... Bidinger/Wood, Hurley/Sersha, Wallo/Maty. Jake Schneider ACED hole #6 for $122...CONGRATS!!!!! Jake also won the cash ctp for $31. Bonez won the merch ctp (Z Force and Champ Destr ... show more ›
Aug 21, 2013 by Derek Stockford
Jay B Aug 26, 2013 Decided to go with the all driver round, nice lol..will this be only distance drivers or are you allowing midranges to be used?
Eastside Ace Run League
-21 wins
Congrats to Wallo/ Doherty, and Maty/Mango on the win. Rich Bidinger ACED hole #21 for $124...CONGRATS!!!!! Luke Pauley won the merch ctp (JBird predator) and I won the cash ctp ($32) $30 added to ... show more ›
Aug 14, 2013 by Derek Stockford
Eastside Ace Run League
-22 wins
Congrats to Stoebling/Tyrone on the win!! Two ACES on Tuesday from Stoebling and Justin Dean, Congrats!! Tyrone won the merch ctp and Justin won the cash ctp ($32)

$31 added to the playoff pot ($545 total)...$128 in the ACE POOL for tomorrow
Aug 13, 2013 by Derek Stockford
Eastside Ace Run League
Be on the lookout in all course parking lots for an older red Mercury Sable, license plate CHE 1095, driven by a white male, blue eyes, blond goatee and shorter hair, carrying a black backpack, and ap ... show more ›
Aug 4, 2013 by Derek Stockford
Eastside Ace Run League
3 way tie at -21 for the 1 disc challenge
Congrats to Moyer/Marshall, Watson/Sersha, and Oleskie/Frad on the win. Two ACES tonight. Steve Marshall hit #7, and Cooke hit #18 the ctp hole ($26)...Congrats to both!!!

$26 added to the playoff pot ($514)....$132 in the ACE POOL for next week
Jul 31, 2013 by Derek Stockford
Eastside Ace Run League
Tie at -22 wins
Congrats to Mango/Dale and Oleskie/Sersha on the win!!! Christian ACED hole #22 and Chmiel hit another ACE this week (#21) congrats to both!! Mango won the cash ctp ($38) and Tim Doherty won the merch ... show more ›
Jul 24, 2013 by Derek Stockford
Eastside Ace Run League
-23 wins
Congrats to Binienda/Doherty on the win!!! Nick Chmiel (Zeteter) ACED hole #16 for $171...Congrats!! Hot weather and some hot scores meant that -20 didn't even cash this week. Justin Dean won the cash ... show more ›
Jul 17, 2013 by Derek Stockford
Derek Stockford Jul 16, 2013 Correction...Chmiel actually hit for $173...CONGRATS!!!
Nicholas Chmiel Jul 17, 2013 Thanks! Great time yesterday.
Eastside Ace Run League
-21 with rough weather at the start
Congrats to Oleskie/Fuelling and Cooke/Mango on the win. Ed Carpus nails his 2nd league ace in 4 days (aced #24 @ Stoney on Friday) for $217.50!! Ryan Frad won the cash CTP ($32). Kurt Maty won the Zeteter towel

$32 added to the playoff pot ($418 total)....$218 in the ACE POOL for next week
Jul 10, 2013 by Derek Stockford
Eastside Ace Run League
-23 on O.B. Challenge
Congrats to Stoebling/Mango on the win!! Jeff Griffiths won the cash ctp ($31), Jerry Clair won the disc ctp, and Mouton won the window stickers. No Aces this week.

$32 added to the playoff pot ($386 total)...$307 in the ACE POOL for next week
Jul 3, 2013 by Derek Stockford
Eastside Ace Run League
O.B. Challenge!!
Just a reminder that tomorrow will be an O.B. Challenge round. Ken Mango has helped with creating a special O.B. for holes 5 and 17... As well as adding a few island greens. We will have sheets printed with the rules of play, and O.B. areas for each hole will be listed. See you guys tomorrow! Jul 2, 2013 by Derek Stockford
Jeff Bauman Jul 2, 2013 Nice Derek!
Ken Mango Jul 2, 2013 7 of 12 baskets have island greens for tonight! plus other o.b.'s
Eastside Ace Run League
-23 wins
Congrats to Mango/Watson on the win!! Two Aces tonight. Jeff Griffiths hit hole 12 and Matt Hoffman nailed his first shot of the round on hole 13!! Justin Dean won the cash ctp ($25) and Lydia won the ... show more ›
Jun 26, 2013 by Derek Stockford
Eastside Ace Run League
-21 wins
Congrats to Binienda/Maty on the win!! No Aces tonight. K Frad won the cash ctp ($28)

$30 added to the playoff pot ($328 total)....$254 in the ACE POOL for next week
Jun 19, 2013 by Derek Stockford
Alex Johnson Jun 20, 2013 Sorry I have not been able to make it this year. I have a broken leg and I am 9.5 weeks into the recovery. Hopefully Ill see ya guys out there soon!
Eastside Ace Run League
New course record set at -25!!
Congrats to Moyer/Dean on the record setting win!! Two Aces tonight...Moyer hit #10 and Rob Cook hit #16... Congrats to both!! Mango won the cash ctp ($31)...Rich B won the Zeteter towel and MiCPS wiz ... show more ›
Jun 12, 2013 by Derek Stockford
show 1 earlier comment
Daniel J Lee Jun 12, 2013 I knew a -25 was going to happen eventually. Sickness!
Jay B Jun 12, 2013 I thought moyer hit the same hole as my partner...#16? We all coulda swore thats where the noise was coming from when we looked over
Derek Stockford Jun 12, 2013 I just double checked the scorecard... It says hole 10 but jason was on the card and said they just entered scores starting on the wrong hole...and btw ace pool is $134 not $139
Eastside Ace Run League
Tie at -21 wins
Congrats to Christian/Watson and Wallo/Binienda on the win!!! Joe Wallo ACED hole 21 for $139!!! Ryan Frad won the ctp ($26)

$26 added to the playoff pot ($266 total).....$139 in the ACE POOL for next week
Jun 5, 2013 by Derek Stockford
Eastside Ace Run League
Tie at -20 for the win
Congrats to Dulix/Henion and Maty/Griffiths on the win!! Joe Henion Aced the Merch CTP hole for $174!!! Christian won the cash CTP ($27)

$28 added to the playoff pot ($240 total)....$174 in the ACE POOL for next week
May 29, 2013 by Derek Stockford
Eastside Ace Run League
-21 wins
Congrats to Wallo and Binienda on the win!! Matt Hoffman won the cash ctp ($26), and Joe Henion won the merch ctp.

$26 added to the playoff pot ($212 total)....$238 in the ACE POOL for next week
May 22, 2013 by Derek Stockford
Eastside Ace Run League
-21 wins
Joe Wallo and Myself took first place. Congrats to Dulix on his ACE on hole 7 for $133.25!! Moyer won the cash CTP ($24), and Wallo won the Merch ctp

$26 added to the playoff pot ($186 total)....$133.25 in the ACE POOL for next week
May 15, 2013 by Derek Stockford
Eastside Ace Run League
Moyer and Bidinger with a -22
Rich and Jay took the win. Congrats to Phil on his ACE for $163.50!! Jay B. hit the ctp for $27.

$28 added to the playoff pot ($160 total).......$163.50 in the ACE POOL for next week
May 8, 2013 by Derek Stockford
Eastside Ace Run League
Stoebling/Binienda with the -24!!
Congrats to Jay and Ted on the new course record! Jay Binienda hit back to back ACES on holes 13 and 14 ($215). Hole 14 was also the ctp ($21)... 47 point round for Jay and 16 points for Ted. Rich Bid ... show more ›
May 1, 2013 by Derek Stockford
Eastside Ace Run League
-19 wins in the rain
Congrats to Moyer and Chmiel on the win! Chmiel won the Merch ctp, and I won the ctp for cash and a point.

$26 added to the playoff pot ($108 total)...$334 in the ACE POOL for next week
Apr 24, 2013 by Derek Stockford
Eastside Ace Run League
-23 wins
Congrats to Christian and Moyer on the win! Kurt Maty won the ctp for a point and $34. Thanks to Zeteter for the Merch.! Jerry Clair won the shirt, and Matt Hoffman won the window stickers.

$33 added to the playoff pot ($82 total)....$230 in the ACE POOL for next week.
Apr 17, 2013 by Derek Stockford
Eastside Ace Run League
Ace Pool Hit!
Congrats to Nick Cooke on the first ACE of the Year!

Cooke/Flemming took first, Dulix won the ctp. $27 added to the playoff pot. ($48 total).........$98 in the Ace pool for next week
Apr 10, 2013 by Derek Stockford
Derek Stockford Apr 9, 2013 correction...$28 added to playoff pot ($49 total)
Eastside Ace Run League
Week 1 in the books
Thanks to everybody that came out tonight. Jay was cali and tied with Ryan and Joe for 1st. Jay also got the point for ctp. Ace pool is at $84 (pays out 50%)...$21 added to the playoff pot Apr 3, 2013 by Derek Stockford
Eastside Ace Run League
Leagues start April 2nd!!
Hope to see everyone back! Tuesday nights @ 6:30. Mar 4, 2013 by Derek Stockford
Jason Riberas Mar 4, 2013 I hope to be there, it's my birthday that day!!! B-day ace!!!
Ed Carpus Mar 26, 2013 Holy shit batman. It can't possibly be time already. It's so damn cold!
Alex Johnson Apr 8, 2013 i will be back in town may 3rd! Cant wait to play!
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