Granbury Disc Golf League

June - October 2012
Hosted by Granbury Disc Golf Club

Ace Pool


Updated August 2, 2012 at 10:18am


About this league

$20 to become a club member and get a bag tag (this fee is a yearly membership. It is also OPTIONAL and therefore not required to participate in the league). This also reduces your weekly fee by $2. Ace pot is included in the buy in. So the buy in breaks down as follows: $4 Club fee ($2 for members), $1 to Ace Pot, and $5 to pay out. Format alternates between doubles and singles each week, with the top half of the field getting paid out. If an ace is hit, Ace Pot pays out 80% of total amount for members, and 40% to non members. Bag tags are on the line at ALL singles minis. Thanks, good luck, and Aces to all!