[member not found] Jun 25, 2013I know that Delia can't make it either. I wouldn't mind a week off from league, I'm exhausted. If no one shows up I wouldn't be upset! I'm still gonna stay until 6 to see if anyone shows..
Liz Fader
Hello ladies! Unfortunatly, I will not be able to come tomorrow. We had a wedding crap appt last Wed (the guy completely forgot about us....wasn't too happy about that) and we have to meet him tomorrow at 6. I will see you all next Tuesday for sure. Hope some ladies from the clinic show up :) Jun 3, 2013
Liz Fader
So who was coming to do a clinic today and is it still going on with the rain and whatnot? May 28, 2013
Liz Fader May 28, 2013Thanks. Was looking at the weather and its like 60% chance of thunderstorms. I hope it will be nice for league.
Liz Fader
Don't know if I'm going to make it tonight. Will be there next week. Be awesome ladies! May 14, 2013
Liz Fader
Not sure if coming tomorrow, woke up with some serious bruising on my collar bone; can't lift arm. Might see you tomorrow might not depending on how I feels : ( Jul 24, 2012
Liz Fader
Water works was a lot more enjoyable than I was expecting. Abby if you need an assistant league administer i'd be happy to help just let me know, unless one of you ladies would like to do it of course. Jun 20, 2012