2025 Detroit Discin' Divas Women's League

April - September 2025
Hosted by Detroit Discin' Divas


About this league

Beginner friendly. Bring a friend! We'll even loan you a disc for the round!

The Detroit Discin' Divas is a club dedicated to all women in the sport. Whether you are young or old, brand new or well-seasoned, you are welcome to join us! This group is intended to bring players of all skill levels together in a casual setting to share insights, learn, and grow.

We expect kindness and patience with yourself and others.

Time: 6-6:25pm registration with 6:15 Announcements and 6:30 tee-off
Pick a style of play at registration: Mentee, Mentor, Just to Play. We will try to match mentees and mentors on the same card.

Free to play with Optional $3 Cash CTP and $2 Prize CTP buy.
Loaner discs available.