Lincway Cafe Putting League
Putting · Jan - Mar 2025 · Orrville, OH
Lincway Cafe Putting League
January - March 2025
Hosted by Camp Luz
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About this league
Fee per round $5
We will be meeting at Lincway Cafe in Dalton. Come out and improve your putting game! We will be starting around 6:00, so please check in by then. Will try to have baskets set up by 5:45 if people want to practice. Bring 5 putters if you have them. Will have some extra just in case. There will be 6 stations, putting 5 discs at each one, and going 3 times around. Payouts will be dependant on how many show up. $2 per person will be going towards building rental. Optional $1 ace pot entry for throw at end of the night. Planning on having an A and B group, maybe a C if enough beginners show up.