5 B-LO Winter League

November '24 - February '25
Hosted by DiscGolf716


About this league

5 B-LO at Pinewoods – 5 Disc Challenge

Hey everyone! We’re excited to announce the return of 5 B-LO at ECP, starting Saturday, November 23rd, 2024 (and running until further notice). Check-in between 9:30 AM – 10:00 AM!

Singles play
Standard layout, possible island holes, and normal OBs
The twist: Play with ONLY 5 discs – each disc must have a maximum speed of 5! You could rock four 5-speed midranges, or mix it up with a 5-speed midrange and three putters – the choice is yours!

A Pool: PDGA rating 850+
B Pool: PDGA rating 849 and below
Ladies Division: A separate division for our women players!

Cost: $10
$7 for payouts
$1 for the Ace Pool
$2 for CTPs

Note: If you don’t have a PDGA number or rating, we may place you based on previous round scores. League directors reserve the right to adjust divisions based on results to ensure fair competition for all!