620 Disc Dyes Spring Flex League

May - July 2024
PDGA Singles
Hosted by 620 Disc Dyes/ Flex Line Disc Golf

Ace Pool

Pays 70% cash ($305)


End of league handicap round


Updated July 15 at 12:49am


About this league

Flex Start sanctioned league.
8 rounds over 9 weeks (no round on Father's day June 16th)
Short layout/higher par for FA3/MA4
Awards for league points champion in each division with 3 or more players
All PDGA rules apply.
Green fees at private course will be in addition to the $10 league fee per round.
$1-PDGA fees
$1- Ace Pot
$1- end of league handicap Awards round
There will be multiple rounds on private courses that there will be an additional $5 green fee for.