
2024 Grove City PDGA League

PDGA Singles · Mar - Oct 2024 · Grove City, PA

2024 Grove City PDGA League

March - October 2024
PDGA Singles
Hosted by Grove City Disc Golf Club (GCDGC)

Ace Pool


Updated October 17 at 1:22pm


2024 Grove City PDGA League
2024 Links
The 2024 league season starts today! Our Facebook group is where you can see our weekly league updates: https://www.facebook.com/groups/gcpadiscgolfclub Use this form to register. Registration wil ... show more ›
Mar 19, 2024 by Kevin Kunzen

About this league

This is a weekly, PDGA sanctioned league, comprised of three 10 week sessions.

Singles format, 5pm every Tuesday from March-October. Schedule will alternate primarily between Memorial Park and Hunter Farm, with travel weeks at other area courses as well.

Shotgun start format. Check in BY 5pm, find starting hole, tee off at 5:15pm SHARP.

Please note that you do NOT need to have a PDGA number to participate in this league.

All PDGA rules will be enforced. Below are links to the out of bounds (OB) rules for each course:
Memorial Park: https://tinyurl.com/2024GCMemorialOB
Hunter Farm: https://tinyurl.com/2024GCHunterFarmOB
Moraine State Park: https://tinyurl.com/2024GCMoraineOB
Slippery Rock University: https://tinyurl.com/2024GCSRUOB

Registration required. Use this form to register each week: https://tinyurl.com/2024GCLeagueRegistration

See who has already registered for the current week:

Updated league credit sheet:

Current divisions offered are:
MPO - Mixed Pro Open
FA1 - Women's Amateur 1 (formerly "Advanced Women")
MA1 - Mixed Amateur 1 (formerly "Advanced")
MA2 - Mixed Amateur 2 (formerly "Intermediate")
MA3 - Mixed Amateur 3 (formerly "Recreational")
MA4 - Mixed Amateur 4 (formerly "Novice") - Ideal for new players (see below)

You cannot compete in a division that is lower than your PDGA rating.
If you are not sure what division you should compete in, check out the PDGA guidelines: https://www.pdga.com/divisions ,
If you're still not sure, feel free to use the contact form and we'll try to help.

The MA4 division is perfect for those who are new to disc golf, or new to leagues, and not sure how they stack up against the field. This is also a good division for juniors. Per PDGA policy, children under the age of 13 must be accompanied. The weekly cost of entry fee for MA4 division is only $2, plus any add-ons. MA4 players do not play for weekly payouts or points-based payouts. Like all other competitors, MA4 players are expected to abide by all PDGA rules, course OB rules, and be respectful.

$7 entry per person, per week ($2 for MA4 only)
Cash or PayPal.

Cost breakdown:
$4 to weekly payouts
$1 to points-based payouts
$0.50 PDGA Sanctioning fee
$1.50 fundraising to GCDGC to cover event costs and course improvements

+$1 (optional) ace pot entry
+$1 (optional) cash CTP entry

Players in the top 45% of their division on any given week receive winnings, which will be added to the league credit sheet. Weekly payout tables can be found in the Pictures tab. Payouts are based on PDGA pay tables.

$1 of each weekly entry fee will be pooled by 10 week session for a points based payout, broken up by division. One point is earned for each player you beat or tie (including yourself) in your division each week, and there is a different multiplier based on division. If you switch divisions midway through a 10 week session, points earned in one division do NOT carry over to another division. Points can be viewed from the PDGA event results page for the session.

Point-based payouts will be according to PDGA pay tables.

Both weekly and points-based winnings are tracked on the league credit sheet (https://tinyurl.com/2024GCLeagueCreditSheet). League credits can be used to pay for entry for future weeks, as well as merch in the club store.

Weekly payout accumulations, as well as points-based payouts, will be paid within 1 month from the end of the league. If you want an earlier payout, just ask. Due to score adjustments that sometimes occur after the round ends, same day payouts are not offered.

Payouts are done by PayPal only. You are welcome to pay by cash but YOU are responsible for providing the league administrator with a PayPal address to receive a payout, or prearrange some other method of receiving your payout. We will do our best to accommodate, but it is not feasible to hunt everyone down and give a cash payout in person. ALL PAYOUTS THAT ARE NOT COLLECTED WITHIN 6 MONTHS OF THE END OF THE LEAGUE WILL BECOME A DONATION TO GROVE CITY DISC GOLF CLUB.

====ACE POT====
Act pot entry is $1 per round. Once ace is confirmed, payout will be paid at 60% of the total pot (multiple aces will split the 60% evenly). This will ensure money always stays in the ace pot.
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