Tuesday Upper/Lower Dubs

May - October 2023
Hosted by Capital City Renegades

Ace Pool


Updated September 26, 2023 at 2:11pm


About this league

This will be an upper and lower pairing doubles league that costs 5 dollars per player, per week. This payment will go towards a cash payout weekly paying out the top three teams.
Uppers and Lowers will be split per their divisions to the best of our ability. That said, if turnout is skewed heavily in either direction, we will adjust as necessary.

There will also be an optional ace pot cost of 5 dollars per player, per week. As a rolling ace pot, the dollar amount of the ace pot will increase each week an ace is not hit. Once an ace is hit, the player that hit it will receive all money in the pot.

Winners of the Ace Pot are subject to a 'vulture rule'.
The Vulture Rule applies to players who put into an ace pot for the first, or second time, when the ace pot has 3 weeks or more of buildup.
First time entries get 25% of ace pot if won, Second time entries get 50% of ace pot if won, again, if the ace pot is on its third or greater week of buildup.

TIP: Discuss ace pot winnings with your teammate before the round begins to set an expectation, as some teams prefer to not split it, and some do.
If Ace pool is not hit at the end of the league a CTP throw off or ACE race style format will be used to clear the pot

Lastly, there will be CTP disc rewards monthly.

Feel free to comment questions here, or reach out to David Allen.

Regarding OB, benefit goes to the player, discs must be entirely OB to be declared as such. If discs are touching OB area and in-bounds area, players get a meter with no stroke penalty. If the chosen throw is OB, players get a meter from where it was last in-bounds. Some OB areas in the OB listings are rarely a concern, but worth mentioning.


Ingham Park (Backyards and Roads)
Hole 1 - Backyards to the left
Hole 2 - Backyards to the left, Road long
Hole 8 - Road left

Trinity Church (Roads, Parking Lot, Pond, Gravel Walkway - Grass in Parking Lot is OB)
Hole 1 - Road left, Parking Lot right
Hole 2 - Road left
Hole 3 - Parking Lot long
Hole 9 - Parking Lot right
Hole 13 - Walkway right
Hole 17 - Pond, Parking Lot/Road right/long
Hole 18 - Parking Lot right, Road left

Grand Woods (Water, Road, Parking Lot)
Hole 2 - Water left
Hole 3 - Water long
Hole 5 - Water left
Hole 6 - Water left/long
Hole 7 - Water right
Hole 8 - Water left/right
Hole 9 - Water left/long
Hole 12 - Water left
Hole 16 - Road right
Hole 17 - Road left
Hole 18 - Parking Lot/Road long

Tadpole Beach (Road/Path/Parking Lot, Water)
Hole 1 - Road/Path left
Hole 2 - Road/Path right
Hole 9 - Water right
Hole 16 - Road/Parking lot long

Burchfield Park (Concrete, Road/Path, Fence, Volleyball Area, Sand traps) If in a sand trap but touching rocks creating the traps perimeter, disc is NOT OB
Hole 1 - Concrete around building downhill to the right
Hole 2 - Road/Path right
Hole 4 - Road right
Hole 6 - Sand trap
Hole 7 - Sand trap
Hole 8 - Water left, Road/Path long
Hole 9 - Road right
Hole 10 - Road left
Hole 11 - Sand trap
Hole 13 - Beyond Fence left, Sand traps
Hole 15 - Sand Traps
Hole 17 - Area between circular posts surrounding basket treated as pseudo-island. If you land outside of the 'island', you play from your lie with an added stroke.
Hole 18 - Road/Path right, Volleyball Area left