

Singles · Mar - Nov 2009 · Tulsa, OK


March - November 2009
Hosted by EATME


And we're done
Yesterday marked the last round of the 2009 EATME Season. Nov 2, 2009 by James White

About this league

Post a time, date, and course on the schedule. Preferably at least one (1) day before the scheduled time. If two (2) or more league members play the round, the player that scheduled the round enters the scores for the group.

League Round Rules (EATME STYLE):
1. Keep it casual, keep it fun. The competition in this league is between you and the course. The competition in this league has never been between members. However, this site does have Rivalry features you can utilize outside of the league format.
2. OB only counts if the lie cannot be played and the disc has to be retrieved. If you do not throw from your lie, one (1) penalty stroke will be added to your score.
3. Group will be split if more than 6 league members show up to play.
4. While courtesy is important, Ready Golf will determine the order of play, while giving those that have birdied the previous hole first chance to throw would be a nice gesture, it is not mandatory. However, if you choose to throw a second shot, do so only after everyone has taken their first shots.
5. If you sink your putt, do not automatically retrieve your disc. Look around to see if your retrieval efforts interfere with another player's putt first.
6. No mulligans.
7. While your score is not dependent on your adherence to the aforementioned rules, don't be the round d-bag.
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