2023 ADK Bag Tag Challenge

April - October 2023
Bag Tag
Hosted by Adirondack Disc Golf Association


About this league

Adirondack Disc Golf

Purpose: The purpose of The Bag Tag Challenge is to encourage friendly competition among ADK members; to meet and play with new people of all levels; and to promote the sport of disc golf in the Adirondacks.

Overview: The season runs from April 20th 2023 thru October 21st & 22nd 2023. Our league is unique in that we play for both tags and points.

Tags: Allows players to compete and obtain the lowest tag possible using scratch scores from each round. Those who hold a gold tag (1-10) anytime throughout the season will qualify for the gold tag tournament at the bag tag finale .

Points: Allows players to compete in a division with other players with similar skill levels. Points are calculated as follows: you receive 2pts for playing a bag tag round and 1 pt for every person you score lower than. Your best 20 point rounds are added together giving you your total for the season.

Entry Fee: $30 - This fee includes a numbered bag tag, 1yr club membership (April 1, 2022 - March 31, 2023), entry into the ace pot and a chance to win end of year division prizes.

PDGA rules are implied during bag tag challenges and self-officiating by club members should demonstrate mutual respect, sportsmanship and promote the spirit of disc golf. Most importantly, HAVE FUN.
(PDGA rules can be found at www.pdga.com/rules)

Score cards:
Score cards at bag tag challenges should be based on 3 players per card to expedite play unless the group agrees or it's not feasible.
Players are placed on cards by tag number, lowest numbered tag to highest numbered tag.
With the following exceptions:
A tag holder may bring (1) walk-on (non-tag holder) and have them play on their card.
A tag holder may have (1) +1 (a tag holder who is a family member or significant other) play on their card.
If you arrive late (5 mins before round or cards are being filed out) you will be placed on the last card regardless of tag number.
If there are 3 or more women or youth and they wish to play together.

Bag Tag and Point Challenges Rules:
You must play your bag tag at least once a month or every 2 weeks for gold tag holders or you forfeit your tag. A new gold tag of the same number will be re-entered into play. When the forfeited gold tag holder returns they receive the lowest tag available.
If you plan on leaving the area or not playing for a period of time, turn in your tag before and you will receive a new tag upon your return.
If you are leaving the area and not returning, turn in your tag with a self-addressed stamped envelope and you will be mailed a tag after the season ends.
All ADK sponsored tournaments or events qualify as a bag tag and point challenge, so bring your tags with you.
Ties are won by the player with the lowest bag tag at the beginning of the round.
Players using different tees in tournaments are competing against only those tag holders playing the same tees.
Bag tag challenge scores are required to be submitted to www.discgolfscene.com within 24 hours of round completion to facilitate an accurate leaderboard.
Bag tag challenge rounds are scheduled weekly on Tuesday and Thursday evening, Saturday morning at 10am (schedule updated on discgolfscene.com it’s also available on UDisc). Unscheduled rounds may be called. On scheduled round days 3 hours before or after the scheduled round at the same course. On unscheduled round days pick a time and course and give at least 2hrs notice to allow all who wish to play a chance to attend.
Members may not decline this challenge, if you show up at a scheduled or unscheduled round you are committed to play for tags and receive points.
If you forget your bag tag you will be allowed to play the round but just for fun as a walk on.
Bag tag challenges can only be played on ADK approved courses and layouts
Cadyville Rec Park: original, alternate, 1b/1w, 1w/1b, 2b/2w, 2w/2b, 3w/3b, 3b/3w, 9w/9b, 9b/9w
Ausable Chasm Campground: w/b, r/w/b/g, w/b/g/r, b/g/r/w, g/r/w/b, r/g
Twin Ponds Campground: 1b/1w, 1w/1b, 2b/2w, 2w/2b, 3w/3b, 3b/3w, 9w/9b, 9b/9w
Plattsburgh State x2
Two Waters DGC
The Barkeater
Crown Point DGC
There must have a minimum of 3 bag tag holders participating and play 18 holes. Bag tags are exchanged immediately after the round is completed.
If you terminate play before your round is completed, you forfeit your bag tag and take the highest numbered bag tag being played at that challenge and receive no points for the round.
Exceptions: Injury that prevents completion of play as agreed upon by the group and inclement weather that makes continued play dangerous for the entire card/group.

Ace Pot:
$4.00 per entry fee will be set aside to form an ace pot. After the season ends the ace pot will be divided among those who hit an ace throughout the season.
In order for your round to qualify for the ace pot, there must be at least 3 tag holders playing a scheduled round.
ADK tournament aces have their own ace pots and therefore do not qualify for the bag tag ace pot as well.

Lost/Broken/Surrendered Bag Tags:
When a bag tag is lost, the number is dropped from the standings.
Members can purchase a new bag tag for $10.00 or $15.00 (if a gold tag was lost) and will receive the lowest numbered bag tag available.
If a tag is surrendered for any reason it will be put back into play at the next scheduled round.

End of Year Rankings:
The end of year rankings for gold tags (1-10) will be determined at the Gold Tag Tournament.
The end of year ranking for the remainder of tags (11-?) is based on your point total regardless of division.
Bag tags will be collected starting September 1st and re-distributed by points at the conclusion of the season.
Failure to hand in your tag revokes your membership from the league, club and forfeiture of any prizes you may have won that year. You may not rejoin the league until you hand in your previous bag tag.

Gold Tag Tournament and Bag Tag Finale:
The bag tag finale will be October 21st & 22nd 2023.
The bag tag finale will consist of the Gold Tag Tournament (collective score of 4 rounds for those who qualified) and 4 individual double point rounds for all members. Courses and times TBD.

Awards banquet will be October 28th or 29th. Prizes given to gold bag tag finishers (must play and complete gold tag tournament), top place finishers in each division, CTP at each course and the ace pot.

Conclusion: This league is designed to bring together those who share a passion for the game of disc golf. Set goals for yourself, make new friends and rivals, HAVE FUN and most importantly GRIP IT & RIP IT. Good luck to everyone and here’s to another exciting season of disc golf.

$30 Entry Fee Breakdown:
$12 Division Place Finishers (Pay top 1/4 of each division)
$4 Tag
$5 Club
$5 Gold Tag Tournament (Pay top 5)
$4 Ace Pot

Facebook group Adirondack Disc Golf Bag Tag Challenge (Private) and Adirondack Disc (Public)

** Tags will be virtual this year updated on discgolfscene.com and handed out at the Bag Tag Banquet.