
Hump Day Sanctioned Singles

PDGA Singles · Mar - Sep 2023 · Ypsilanti, MI

Hump Day Sanctioned Singles

March - September 2023
PDGA Singles
Hosted by Huron Valley


Hump Day Sanctioned Singles
Season finally
We have 9 different holes with $10 cash CTP's. our weekly $32 cash CTP, plus the ace pool throw off $117 CTP, $334 in total payouts between 16 players Even Hughes - $142 $15 MPO, $10 ponds12, ... show more ›
Sep 14, 2023 by Douglas McIntosh

About this league

Hump Day Sanctioned Singles

Will be part of a Sanctioned League series with
Huron Valley Tuesday's & NorthRidge Thursday's

Series winner for MPO,MA1,MA2,MA3
MPO - $100 cash
MA1 - 2 Berths
MA2 - 2 Berths
MA3 - 2 Berths

League Entry fees

$6 entry fee - MA1,MA2,MA3,FPO - optional $2 Ace Pool , $2 Cash CTP
$10 all-in

$11 entry fee - MPO - plus optional $2 Ace pool, $2 Cash CTP
$15 all-in

Ace Pool 80% playout
starting May 1st
80% playout if you have played 4 or more rounds this year
60% payout in you have played less than 4 rounds

We will be Traveling each week between
Lakeshore, Rolling Hills, Cass Benton, NorthRidge, Willow

Weeks 1-8 (March 15th- May 3rd)

Weeks 9-17 (May 10th - July 5th)

Weeks 18-27 (July 12th - September 13th)
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