Chaingang weekday singles
Singles · Mar - Jun 2013 · Centreville, VA
Chaingang weekday singles
March - June 2013
Hosted by ChainGang DiscGolf Club
Locations (5)
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chaingang week day singles
Pohick Thursday 3/21/13, 2$ buy in 1$ ace pot, register at hole 1 at 5, 5:15 start, long to long
Mar 19, 2013
by leftronics Davis
About this league
Fee per round $2
Bag tag and points league with a end of the season give aways for the top players.The points system is simple, 30 pts 1rst 20 2nd 10 3rd. Bag tags must be present with you and attanched to your bag and visible at all times during play. Tags cannont be used in doubles rounds but can be won outside of league play and or any tournaments. Failure to answer a challenge within two weeks you must give up your tag to the challenger and also if you tie the tag goes to the challenger. Tags can be purchased for only $4 from a league administrator. Tags are not mandatory to play in the singles league its just for fun.