
2022 Grove City PDGA League (Session 3)

PDGA Singles · Aug - Oct 2022 · Grove City, PA

2022 Grove City PDGA League (Session 3)

August - October 2022
PDGA Singles
Hosted by Grove City Disc Golf Club (GCDGC)

Ace Pool


Updated October 27, 2022 at 2:07pm


2022 Grove City PDGA League (Session 3)
League Finale - Registration Open
Registration is now open for Week 30 (Tuesday, October 25)! We will be playing the alternate 18 hole layout (holes 4a, 5a, 6a replace 4, 5, 6) at Memorial Park! CTP entry is free this week for ... show more ›
Oct 21, 2022 by Kevin Kunzen

About this league

This is a weekly, PDGA sanctioned league, comprised of three 10 week sessions.

Singles format, 5pm every Tuesday from April-October. Schedule will alternate primarily between Memorial Park and Hunter Farm, with a few trips to nearby Slippery Rock University as well.

Shotgun start format. Check in BY 5pm, find starting hole, tee off at 5:15pm SHARP.

All PDGA rules will be enforced. OB for all holes can be found in the Pictures tab.

Please note that you do NOT need to have a PDGA number to participate in this league.

Current divisions offered are:
Pro Open (MPO)
Advanced (MA1)
Intermediate (MA2)
Recreational (MA3)
Advanced Women (FA1)

You cannot compete in a division that is lower than your PDGA rating.
If you are not sure what division you should compete in, check out the PDGA guidelines: https://www.pdga.com/divisions ,
If you're still not sure, feel free to use the contact form and we'll try to help.

As this is a brand new league, expect the divisions offered to fluctuate. If you would like to see a division offered that is not currently available, please use the contact form to share your thoughts. Feedback is encouraged!

Registration required.
Use this form to register each week: https://forms.gle/ihriM47qZa3is9qM6

After registering, please check-in in person by 5pm, and you'll be given your starting hole.

$7 entry per person, per week. PayPal preferred.

Cost breakdown:
$5 to payouts
$0.50 PDGA Sanctioning fee
$1.50 fundraising to GCDGC to cover event costs and course improvements

+$1 (optional) ace pot entry
+$1 (optional) CTP entry (when offered)

We will not meet at the end of the round to announce winners or distribute payouts. Payouts will be made to all winners at the end of each 10 week session (or by request). Same day payouts are not offered.

Payout tables can be found in the Pictures tab.

A credit sheet will be maintained to allow participants to use winnings as credits toward entering future weeks, as well as enable paying for multiple weeks at once.

====ACE POT====
Act pot entry is $1 per round. Once ace is confirmed, payout will be paid at 60% of the total pot (multiple aces will split the 60% evenly). This will ensure money always stays in the ace pot.
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