North Glen Doubles 2022(Freestate)

April - September 2022
Hosted by North Glen Disc Golf Club


About this league

This is the score keeping for the freestate doubles held at North Glen.
Here is how scoring works
Each player starts each round with 5 points. When the round is finished the TD will average all scores to the nearest .5. If a player's score is lower than the average the difference is added to that players score. So, if the average score for all teams is 56 and a player threw a 53 then 3 points would be added to his/her score giving him 8 points for that event. Visa versa if the average is 56 and a player threw 59 then 3 points would be subtracted giving him/her 2 points. All players get at least 1 point. Bonus points go to the winners (+5) and to anyone who throws an ace (+10). If two or more teams tie for the win, and the win cannot be decided by a playoff due to weather conditions or time restraints, the winning teams will split the first place points evenly among the teams.
2 tie - 2.5 pts per team
3 tie - 1.5 pts per team
4 tie - 1.25 pts per team
5 tie - 1 pt per team