
Charlotte Tuesday League

Singles · May - Oct 2011 · Charlotte, MI

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Chad Lantz
Those of you who didn't show up to get your league payouts (J. Mays, Nic Kronberg, Ross Bohms, Elmer Cox and Michele Ramon) need to pick them up and cash them out at Skid's shop before Oct. 31. If yo ... show more ›
Oct 23, 2011
Jim Knudson Rae Eric and I are playing a 2 disc round at 5;15 tomorrow.in Charlotte.
Front 9 (twice) or complete 18. Grab 2 discs and join us.
Oct 18, 2011
Jason Lord that was fun good times Oct 12, 2011
Jim Knudson Anyone in the league improve their game in the last 6 months more than J. Mays?
Oct 11, 2011
Jim Knudson 2 Divisions will be decided tonight.
I am very excited for Bill and Mike, good luck to both of you!!
Oct 11, 2011
Chad Lantz I have jason picking up the stuff and doing the league tonight. I'm sure he will take some help if it is offered. Thanks for the heads up Patrick, we have you covered. Oct 11, 2011
Jim Knudson Rae and i will be there by 5:00pm.
What needs done?
Oct 10, 2011
Patrick Fulkerson My household including myself are very ill, Is there anyone available to run Tuesday evening leagues this week? If possible greatly apprecitive. Please let me know, as I would like to remain a zombie in my bed =) Oct 10, 2011
Chad Lantz 10-4-11
LP 16 - Blake Walters
CTP 17 - J Mays
CTP 18 - Blake Walters
Oct 5, 2011
Jim Knudson Rae beat his lowest league score ever by 3 strokes tonight shooting -7.
Very cool!
Oct 5, 2011
Chad Lantz Almost forgot the last weeks CTPs.
CTP #11 - Tony Lantz
LP #12 - Jake Hanley
CTP #13 - Jason Lord

I hope everyone had fun. See you all at the party.
Oct 14, 2011
Chad Lantz 9-27-11
CTP - Blake Walters
LP - Eric Garnaat
Sep 28, 2011
Jason Lord remember meeting Monday night 6:45 behind city hall. wear your cdga shirts and bring you appetite. Sep 24, 2011
Patrick Fulkerson Only the ctp was.clearly marked so larry recieved his Sep 23, 2011
Michele Ramon Chad my score was not logged from Tuesday? Sep 22, 2011
Patrick Fulkerson Only the ctp was.clearly marked so larry recieved his Sep 21, 2011
Chad Lantz 9-20-11
CTP - Larry Jennison
LP - Nic Kronberg
LP - J. Mays
A couple of the prizes have not been picked up. I don't know who received one and who didn't. I will send them back out for distribution next week.
Sep 21, 2011
Jason Lord Wanted: Disc Golf Players to attend the Charlotte city council meeting Monday September 26th. Reward: Free pizza and pasta @ Riedy's Pizza right after CDGA presentation. Sep 16, 2011
Jason Lord j. personnel i in no way think you are or will sandbag, it is very difficult to figure out where to place people. i think jim's post was more of a challenge to get more people playing competitive disc golf. Sep 16, 2011
Bill Albin
Some of us don't take it quite so seriously. I enjoy playing. Every year I get a little better. I am never likely to go pro. I am completely comfortable with that. I am certainly not going to practice ... show more ›
Sep 16, 2011
Jim Knudson
Last year was my first league ever and I finished 4th, 2nd, 2nd, 6th, and 9th the first 5 weeks. I started putting an hour a day and played 2 rounds each day so I would not finish 4th, 2nd, 2nd, 6th, ... show more ›
Sep 16, 2011
Jason Lord j. personnel i in no way think you are or will sandbag, it is very difficult to figure out where to place people. i think jim's post was more of a challenge to get more people playing competitive disc golf. Sep 15, 2011
Patrick Fulkerson
I had recommended that your division be based of your average for the course and use the actual SSA numbers for the course. Placing each person where they belond based on that should keep it the comp ... show more ›
Sep 15, 2011
J. Mays
There are a lot of logistical challenges in decide on how to split the league. Assigning divisions on your league average may be the best way to go. I originally liked the idea of basing it off PDGA ... show more ›
Sep 15, 2011
Chad Lantz And I bet $100 I would be close to last in the lansing league in the am3 division.... Just a little comparison for you. Sep 14, 2011
Jim Knudson Chad,
You forgot, I play in the Lansing league also!! The only one in both.
Sep 14, 2011
Chad Lantz 9-13-11
CTP - Jim Knudson
LP - Jason Lord
Sep 14, 2011
Chad Lantz I vote for jim as sandbagger of the year because he is simply looking for extreme competition in a small town where no one can actually compete!!!
Sep 14, 2011
Jim Knudson Can't wait to play against Chad, J Mays and Steven in the Advanced Division next year!!
Who votes on Sandbagger of the Year?
Sep 14, 2011
Chad Lantz 9-6-11
CTP - Patrick Fulkerson
LP - Terry Hewlett
Sep 7, 2011
Chad Lantz On another note, Mike Kemp aced hole 5 during league last week. Congratulations Mike!!! He cashed $45. Sep 3, 2011
Chad Lantz 8-30-11
CTP - Tony Lantz
LP - Eric Garnaat

From now until the end of league we will only play holes 1-18. This is due to time restraints with the daylight hours becoming shorter. Let the last 6 weeks of the battle begin!!!!
Sep 3, 2011
Jason Lord not more alts... see you next year... with less tall grass! Aug 28, 2011
Chad Lantz This tuesday will be our last of D, E and F. It will be only 1-18 from there on out. Aug 28, 2011
Chad Lantz 8-23-11
CTP - Chad Lantz
LP - Jake Hanley

I am waiting on some info for a new player before I can post scores for this week. I should get an answer soon and will complete the scores. Thanks for your patience in the meantime while I have been very busy with work and trying to move up in life.
Aug 27, 2011
Tony Lantz good look brother...lmao Aug 21, 2011
Chad Lantz
I guess everyone didn't fully understand the points system. Only 12 of your best point weeks will be counted. That means every round you play over 12 has a possibility to drop off one of your worst ... show more ›
Aug 21, 2011
Chris Smith Larry, two of your 2.5 week would have dropped off. They take your best 12 weeks. Aug 20, 2011
Nic Kronberg Larry.. I know that points are being dropped off now that we have been past the 12 week mark. so you may stay where you are at depending on what scores are being dropped
Aug 17, 2011
larry j my pts are off i should should more than wht the leaderboard says. can someone check it out and get back with me. Aug 17, 2011
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