Series are intended to combine multiple tournaments into one group.
For example, the PDGA National Tour was a Series. The National Tour used Disc Golf Scene to automatically update and track tour points for all players.
Series are comprised of 2 major components: Events and Leaderboards.
Anyone can create a Series.
A Series can include any number of events. All events must be tournaments registered on Disc Golf Scene.
To add events, go to the "Admin" section of the Series page, then "Events".
Copy and paste a tournament URL into the "Add a tournament" box.
Once an event has been added, you will have the option to specify both a "Name" and a "Short name" for each event.
The "Name" field can be used to simplify long tournament names.
The "Short name" field will be used when displaying Leaderboard results to allow a more compact display.
Leaderboards are used to track player points across the entire Series.
Series staff may choose to set up an overall Leaderboard, a Leaderboard for each division, or any other combination.
Each Leaderboard has its own settings:
# The priority of the Leaderboard in the "Leaderboards" section
Name The name of the Leaderboard, e.g. "Open", "Amateurs", "Juniors", "Overall"
Description An optional description of the Leaderboard
Divisions Division codes that should be included in the Leaderboard. Leave blank to include all divisions. Specify individual divisions like so: MA1,MA2,MA3
Maximum events If set, each player will be awarded points from their best events up to the total. For example, if this is set to "5", each player will get points for this Leaderboard from their best 5 events.
Minimum events If set, players must participate in at least this many events to be displayed on the Leaderboard. Until the Series is over, the Leaderboard will include players who could possibly make the minimum number of events based on the number of unfinished tournaments still in the future.
Final events These events will not be counted toward the Maximum events. Typically this will be used for a "Series Finale" in which points are counted for all players.
Other divisions This option allows players to earn points toward divisional Leaderboards even if they are playing events in different divisions. For example, some Series have single-division leaderboards but want their players to be able to earn points even if they are moving between divisions as often happens in the MA3 -> MA2 -> MA1 progression.
Setting a points formula will allow the Series to automatically award tournament points and update its leaderboards.
There are two ways to automate point tracking.
Add points based on a formula
This option awards tournament points based on a calculation, such as 1 point for each player beaten.
Add points based on placement
This option awards tournament points based on placement, e.g. 1st place gets 100 points, 2nd place gets 80 points, 3rd place gets 50 points.
If both options are selected, points will be added together.